Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Baker Places Employees: Rise Up on June 15, 2016 and Fire Jonathan Vernick!

It has been a long journey since I left 56 Francis Street in February 2015 to this day in which you are called upon to rid Baker Places of your executive director, Jonathan Vernick. You have the power! You can do it! Please start a campaign—either as a group or as individuals—and do what you can to protect the most vulnerable from abuse.

Some contacts which might be useful:
1. Contact Jonathan Vernick directly at 415-864-4655 and tell him it’s time to leave.
2.  Contact Nick Lederer, the Chair of the Board; telephone him at 415-561-5200 or 415-752-6444 or email him at: nick@ggsenior.org and demand that the Baker Board of Directors replace him by June 30, 2016.
3. Contact your member of the Board of Supervisors at www.sfbos.org. Although all the Supervisors might be potentially helpful, I have found Supervisors Aaron Peskin and Jane Kim to be particularly open. Please tell him or her that you, as an employee of Baker Places, demand to be treated with respect and not like little children.

As noted above, there will be a Baker Board meeting at 1000 Brannan Street, Suite 401 on June 15th at 6:30. Please save the date and let's rid Baker Places of Jonathan Vernick!
If we are successful in dismissing Vernick, all public campaigning including the posting of flyers in public and meeting with public officials will cease. I truly apologize for making this whole mess public, but your executive director, is a bully and needs to be taught a lesson…Thank you for your help!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Open Letter to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Demand the Baker Board Fire Jonathan Vernick on June 8th!

Dear Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors:


I wish to thank each of you for your kind attention for the past 8 months in which I have advocated for Jonathan Vernick’s dismissal as the executive director of Baker Places. As you know from the numerous emails, documents and direct meetings I have had with your aides, Vernick has abused both clients and employees for nearly 30 years and the taxpayers of San Francisco are supporting his abuse at nearly $12 million per year. Recently, I have dealt with Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health (DPH) and she has lied twice about making a public announcement concerning Vernick; moreover, Tom Mesa, a representative of DPH, on April 7, 2016 informed me in front of 3 witnesses that Vernick is a bully towards his employees and has mismanaged the public’s money. Yet, Garcia continues to support his abuse—even after I requested an email from her office indicating she would monitor Vernick; instead, she remained silent. Since SILENCE=DEATH, I am duty-bound to speak up for the potentially 1000s of victims of Jonathan Vernick since no one else will.

There is a Baker Places Board of Directors meeting scheduled June 8, 2016 in which I will be demanding Vernick’s immediate resignation. Since each of you as a Supervisor have the power to defund Baker, I respectful request that you contact Nick Lederer, the Chair of the Baker Board, at 415-752-6444 or 415-561-5200 or email him at nick@ggsenior.org and demand that the board dismiss its executive director.

Because this case involves the abuse of human beings, I take this quite seriously. It will be a matter of historical record how you and others respond at this time. I urge you to open your heart to the pain of the abuse so many have suffered at the hands of Jonathan Vernick. Please do not just do a political calculation and see what is best for your future ambitions. Thank you for your kind assistance. My email is safeway7354@gmail.com if I can provide additional information.

Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

Monday, May 23, 2016

Suhr Fired! Now Let’s Get Verncik!

1. Police Chief Greg Suhr: FIRED! This is great news as it shows San Francisco protestors will NOT allow this City to become mean as the rest of the nation is becoming. While we are not privy to the use-of-force policy in San Francisco, the obvious question is: Why do police officers carry guns at all? Those interested in this and similar questions are invited to register at www.sfjusticesummit.com for the “San Francisco Public Defender’s Justice Summit” this Wednesday, May 25, 2016 between 9 a.m. – 2: 30 p.m. at the main library.

2. We are irate with Barbara Garcia for her allowing Jonathan Vernick to abuse both employees and clients receiving services paid for by the taxpayers. Since we have been in contact with Garcia since October of 2015 and have sent her numerous documents via registered mail by the USPS, we know she is well-informed about the misconduct of Vernick. The final straw was when a representative of the Department of Health, Tom Mesa, informed a reporter in front of three witnesses that Jonathan Vernick is a bully towards others and has mismanaged the public’s money. Even after this direct admission by DHP, Garica still supports abuse. She needs to get the fuck out—NOW!

3. There will be an upcoming Baker Places Director of the Board meeting on June 8, 2016 at 1000 Brannan Street, Suite 401 at 5:30. Please attend so we can demand Vernick’s immediate resignation!

4. Many thanks to the activists in San Francisco who know that the power players in this town would love to turn it into a playground for the upper-class Whites and screw everyone else. Only by standing up to the likes of Garcia, Vernick, and Lee, and other bad actors can we keep our City open to diversity, tolerance and innovation!  

Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Reporter's Odds and Ends

1) A reporter of this blog has used the equation SILENCE=DEATH. This comes from Larry Kramer, an AIDS rights advocate from the 1980s who demanded the United States government help finance research into a cure for the HIV virus. He started the direct action group “ACT UP” to protest the silence on the part of public officials about the public health crisis which was killing millions of gays around the world. Readers are invited to obtain a copy of the book And The Band Played On by Randy Shilts for a history of this period. Please note Mr. Shilts died of AIDS in 1994.


2) The ethical underpinning of “SILENCE=DEATH” comes from the Nuremberg Trials from the aftermath of Nazi Germany. During World War II, Chancellor Hitler order the execution of millions including Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehovah Witnesses. The total number may be as high as 10 million deaths in what is often referred to as the “holocaust.” Please note that Jews, in which an estimated 6 million were murdered by the Nazis, often use this term to denote the crimes of humanity against them. One of principles which was codified: Crimes against humanity are universally immoral and saying “I remained silent because I was just following orders” is unacceptable. So if one remains silent when others are being abused, then he is just as guilty as the one who committed the crimes. Please note we have charged Barbara Garcia as presently committing crimes against humanity by allowing Jonathan Vernick to abuse potentially 1000s. We know she is informed because on April 7, 2016 a representative for the Department of Public Health, Tom Mesa, informed a reporter three times that Vernick is a “bully” towards clients and employees.

3) In the State Senate Race, District 11, between Jane Kim and Scott Wiener, we really like both candidates. While Kim is the more progressive and fits well in San Francisco, Wiener is a more moderate progressive. The race between two excellent candidates shows the unintended consequences of term limits: San Francisco will lose two highly-qualified representatives on the Board of Supervisors who have had on-the-job training for the past 8 years. And they will be replaced by whom? An inexperienced politico who will make similar mistakes which no doubt both Kim and Wiener have made. Perhaps it’s time to rethink term limits.

4) On April 7, 2016 before 3 witnesses, Tom Mesa, a representative of the Department of Public Health, made the following observation when a reporter noted that 3 of Jonathan Vernick’s employees had complained that Vernick  had dementia: “No, he’s a bully!” This statement or a similar statement was repeated 2 times.

5) San Francisco police officers are high school graduates earning an average of $100,000 per year in salary and benefits. Is it possible the educational standards needs to be increased to a minimum of a four-year college degree, say a B.A. in Criminal Justice? Probably 4 years of college will weed out the most vile and racist cops. We believe as long as cops are uneducated they will continue to view their jobs as being part of “law enforcement” when, in fact, it is about helping people feel self-empowered. In general, people who are treated with respect and helped instead of being murdered respond more favorably. Perhaps Scott Wiener, the policy wonk on the board of supervisors, can write a new ballot proposition: “Shall all new police officers in San Francisco be required to have a 4-year college degree from an accredited university?”


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Barbara Garcia--Go Fuck Yourself!


A police department with racist cops. A mayor who wants to turn San Francisco into an American version of Hong Kong. A director of public health who supports the abuse of people receiving services paid for by the taxpayers…What the Fuck is going on in this City?

While we support the protestors who are demanding Police Chief Greg Suhr’s resignation, we also wish to alert the public to another public servant who fails to supervise those under her watch: Barbara Garcia, the Director of Public Health. For over a year, we have had to contend with Jonathan Vernick, the director of Baker Places, a nonprofit funded by the taxpayers at $12 million annually. Vernick has allegedly engaged in abuse of 1000’s over the nearly 30 years of his reign of terror.

If you are ready to take action and take your City back, here’s what you can do: 

  1. Contact Barbara Garcia at barbara.garcia@sfdph.org and tell her to get the fuck out!
  2. Visit www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com or google “Jonathan Vernick” for additional info such as a 19-point document exposing Vernick, posted on May 7, 2016.
  3. Contact your member of the Board of Supervisors at www.sfbos.org and tell him or her that San Francisco’s values are those of diversity, tolerance, and innovation as oppose to the values of Donald Trump, and Fox News.
    If we unite in the "Barbara Garcia--Go Fuck Yourself!" Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Barbara Garcia to go fuck herself!   

Fire Suhr!    Recall Lee!   Dismiss Garcia!

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Reply To Reader: Why Are You Seeking Barbara Garcia's Resignation?

A dedicated reader asks via email : "I am not clear as to why you are seeking Barbara Garcia's resignation." Below is my reply.

Dear ------------------------- :

All I asked from her was a simple acknowledgement of "The Agreement" (see April 22, 2016 post on www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com).  I made it clear via register mail that all I wanted was some verbal agreement that she took the allegations of mismanagement and abuse seriously. By maintaining silence in what appears to be a lack of needed oversight on her part (i.e., she failed to properly supervise Jonathan Vernick for the past 6 years of her tenure), she shows she supports abuse and because it's been going on for nearly 30 years, I believe he is actively engaged in torture.

The only response Garcia has given me is "we will have a meeting about this" (February 12, 2016 at 101 Grove Street); this is before she lied and said a public announcement resolving the leadership crisis would be made in mid-February and then later claimed it would be resolved the first week of March.

Please note that although having a studio apartment is nice, it of no importance compared to the abuse people must tolerate by dealing with Jonathan Vernick. In other words, I believe abuse of human beings is wrong and Garcia approves of it: SILENCE=DEATH!

While I am grateful for your kind assistance, perhaps you could email Garcia and ask her why she wants this public confrontation. Thank you for sharing your insights.

Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

Monday, May 9, 2016

Editorial: Barbara Garcia, Director of Public Health: Get the Fuck Out!

As of May 7, 2016 this blog starts a new focus: The Removal of Barbara Garcia, the Director of the Department of Public Health (DPH) in San Francisco. Because she chose to ignore “The Agreement” whose outlines were made on April 7, 2016 by Tom Mesa, a representative of DPH (see April 22, 2016 post below), she has indicated by her silence that she supports the mismanagement of Jonathan Vernick and his abuse towards clients and employees.

Note that SILENCE=DEATH and her refusal to deal to abuse towards potentially 1000’s of San Franciscans who receive services from Baker Places, which is financed by the taxpayers of San Francisco, means that like Police Chief Greg Suhr who needs to be held accountable for the racist cops in his department, and Mayor Ed Lee needs to be recalled for implementing policies which are leading to displacement of people who have made this City part of their heritage to make room for techies who will be gone at the first sign of an economic downturn, she, too, must be held accountable for those whom she has oversight and authority.

The first public salvo to alert the public to Garcia’s support of abuse was the posting of the May 7, 2016 in which we posted a 19-point document which was given to Mr. Mesa (see post below). I invite readers to take a few minutes to read it as it give a quick overview to the various players in this drama.

The next step will be to post billings in public exposing Garcia’s support of abuse. I will post a draft copy in the next day or two and then start publicly posting on street lamps, cafes, and the like. Please note that I will use strong language in these postings which may not be suitable for children or those of a sensitive nature.

Simultaneously, we will continue to advocate for Jonathan Vernick’s removal. Apparently, there will be a Baker Places’ Board of Directors meeting on June 8, 2016 at 1000 Brannon Street, Suite 401, about 5:30 P.M.  Flyers will be posted alerting the public to this meeting.

In conclusion, I wish to thank all my supporters, including a former case manager, Mark C., from whom I receive words of encouragement this past Saturday. Please contact Barbara Garcia and tell her to get the fuck out: barbara.garcia@sfdph.org.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health

April 7, 2016


Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa



The documents and background information presented in this paper are intended as snapshots which are representative of transactions in which Jonathan Vernick engages. While I advocate for his removal as the executive director of Baker Places, every attempt is given to be accurate in statements and to be fair in the presentation of arguments. Since my goal is to arrive at the truth, I invite corrections and/or clarifications of any claim or observation. Please contact me at 415-865-0734 or email me at safeway7354@gmail.com. Visit www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com for additional information.  

1. The beginning of our look at Baker Places’ finances begins with the IRS 990 Forms. Enclosed is the first page of these form for the years 2004-2013 (Part I “Summary”). The reader is invited to go to www.citizenaudit.org and type in Baker Places, Inc. to retrieve copies of the originals. In addition, I have used www.guidestar.org as a resource.

2. Using the latest tax return, 2013, which is for the fiscal year 2013-2014 and was completed on February 12, 2015, we have on the first page, a summary. Here we see: Line 12, total revenue for the current year end of the year ($13,242,755) compared to the total expenses on line 18 ($13,975,472)  to be a loss of $732,717 (subtract line 18 from line 12).

3. It was this loss of over $732,000 which apparently caused Vernick to sell the building at 54-56 Francis Street. So the loss was made up by selling a property.  

4. A quick survey of previous 990 forms reveal the following losses (Revenue-Expenses= Loss):

2013: Loss: - $732,717.

2012: Loss: -$270,935.

2011: Loss: -$331,983.

2010: Missing from records but a loss of $284,403 was recorded for the year on the 2011 form (see line 19).

2009: Loss: -$227, 567.

2008: Loss: -158,489.

2007: Loss: -$214,518.

2006: Loss: -$346,211.

2005: Loss: -273,936

2004: Loss: -564,851.

5. The 10 years for which I have provided records finds that in all years Baker Places, Inc. spent more money than it took in. Adding up the total we have: $3,405,610 for an average loss of about $340,000 per year over the ten-year period.

6. How does Vernick handle these losses year after year? This is a question investigators might want to answer. My hypotheses are: a) The selling of Baker Places owned-properties, b) Obtaining short-term loans and pay the previous years’ loss with taxpayer’s money (starting July 1 each year).

7. A second question (two-part): a) Exactly how does Vernick lose money each year? b) Are the losses of Baker Places, Inc. or of Jonathan Vernick?

 8. I enclose a document which might shed light on the question in 7: There is reference to a lawsuit brought by “Jonathan LJV Holding LLC  (see ‘Plainsite’ sheet which is enclosed) against Mynette Boykin”. The concern here is a possible mixing of funds between Baker Places and the Jonathan LJV Holding LLC.

 9. A second document which might be of interest is the “Department of Public Health: The Nonprofit Organization Baker Places, Inc. and DPH Need to Improve Contract Invoicing Practices” completed on June 30, 2008. On page 2 we have the following analysis: 
“Nevertheless, in 2005, according to Baker Places, director of business and operations, Baker Places had to sell a parcel of property to alleviate some of the cash flow problems it was experiencing.”

Please note that this selling of a building to deal with losses was reported in 2005 also occurred in 2015, as noted above. It appears as though we have a pattern: Baker Places, Inc. has property (where does it get them?) which it sells year after year to make up for losses. In other words: The real estate transactions and the taxpayer’s funds are intermingled.  I leave this up to investigators to interpret this, but if there is a comingling of funds between Vernick’s holding company and Baker Places, then clearly something is amiss.

10) One player who might be able to provide insight into the finances at Baker Places is: Judith E. Stevenson, former CFO. She was the CFO for about 20 years and left in 2014. Please find her linkedin page enclosed. From public information, we have her telephone numbers: 415-586-2843; 415-928-7905. Her email is listed in the contact page which is enclosed.

11) Another player is the former project director, Lisa Perry, at 120 Page Street. Allegedly, she insisted that the selling of the property at 54-56 Francis Street be done in accordance with state law: All tenants were entitled to written statements explaining their rights and offered relocation money under the Ellis Act (about $10,000 per tenant). But Vernick only had a few weeks to sell the building and was not about to follow the law. So he fired Ms. Perry (who was under a 1-year contract and had no legal recourse). Moreover, Vernick had case managers lie to tenants about the building needing to be repaired and this is the reason the tenants had to vacate. Investigators will need to ask the case managers (see contact list provided) about her whereabouts; I can provide some links which will probably connect you with her (please email me).
12) The above point, point 11, illustrates a common theme in Vernick’s toolkit: Manipulate others to do unethical/unlawful things; punish those who refuse to do his bidding; reward those who comply. In my view, what appears to be financial mismanagement will usually intersect with human rights abuses. This would make logical sense since to pull off various ploys he would need others to implement them.  
13 ) In my case, I was a tenant at 56 Francis Street in an illegal unit (“in-law” unit). According to a letter which was signed by Jonathan Vernick and dated April 9, 2015, there had been a real estate exchange between 56 Francis Street and my new studio apartment at 337 Fulton Street, Apartment 31. By law, real estate exchanges are required to have an attorney draw up a contract; if a written contact is not drawn up, then the transaction is considered fraudulent by “Statue of Fraud” laws.  This set of facts is what motivated Fancher Larson, clients’ rights advocate (1663 Mission Street, #310; contact: 415-552-8100; also, see linkedin page enclosed) to recommend filing fraud charges against Baker Places on April 10, 2015. Please note that I refused to file charges because I was given legal advice that this could mean Baker Places would be defunded and I was unwilling to have this outcome.

 14) Investigators might want to contact a former tenant at 54 Francis Street, James H. Smithson. He vacated his apartment under the ruse that the building was being refurbished when in fact it was being sold. Mr. Smithson indicated at the time that he would sue Baker Places if he ever found out he was being lied to. He is an employee of the Department of Public Health at 1380 Howard Street. According to public information, his telephone number and address are: 415-452-9980, 303 Seneca Avenue, San Francisco.

 15) The case managers and employees at 120 Page Street are the victims of the ploys Vernick plays. Probably, the one used the most in the episode being outlined is Masami Endo (415-255-6544, ext. 257).  She lied to about 10 tenants about why they were being forced to vacate; she assisted in my seeing 4 different apartments (following Vernick’s orders); she even followed his commands and refuse to acknowledge my existence on August 11, 2015 when I attempted to speak with her (by this time Vernick finally hired an attorney [something he should have done a year previously], Mike Lee (telephone 415-788-9000; email: mgwlaw@aol.com) ) who apparently advised employees at 120 Page Street to refuse to acknowledge my existence.

 16) Two other contacts at 120 Page Street will be helpful for investigators: a) Jesse Ponce (Telephone 415-255-6544), a case manager for about 20 years who has cross swords with Vernick several times before and b) Lusia Francisco (telephone 415-255-6544), financial manager in charge of receiving checks and paying bills. She has been there for about 20 years.
 17 ) In this ongoing saga, the Baker Board of Directors plays an important role by not following the “Sunshine Ordinance” and holding public meetings twice a year (required of nonprofits receiving more than $250,000 from the taxpayers of San Francisco per year). It was the inability to meet with the Board of Directors which has caused this mess to become public. In particular, I contacted the Chair of the Board, Nick Lederer, via registered mail and was ignored on both occasions. His contact information: Telephone: 415-752-6444; email: nick@ggsenior.org 
Please note that one of the reasons I have called for Jonathan Vernick’s dismissal is his violation of fulfilling the requirement of holding public meetings. In passing I note that records indicate that a Debra Benedick filed whistleblower complaints against Baker Places for this violation about 10 years ago; apparently, nothing has changed since public meetings are still not being held.

 18 ) For the record, I will note that 3 employees have complained to me about Jonathan Vernick’s alleged memory losses. This usually involves being told to perform a certain act by a certain day, say Friday, and then he calls Thursday and ask why it has not been done already as it was due by Wednesday. This memory loss or apparent dementia has been ongoing for the past several years. Please note that I personally observed this memory loss and confusion in my numerous dealings with him from January 27, 2015 to February 24, 2015.

19) Summary: Baker Places, Incorporated has been in existence for nearly fifty years. Over twenty-five years ago, a case manager, Jonathan Vernick, was promoted to be the executive director of Baker Places. During his tenure Baker Places has recorded losses (revenue-expenses=gain/loss) for the past 10 years for an average loss of $340,000 per year.
In this paper, I have provided investigators with contacts and possible leads. One important question is: How is Baker Places losing money year after year? It appears as though losses for each year is paid by selling properties. This invites additional questions: 1) How did Baker Places acquire these properties? 2) How is the $13 million the taxpayers of San Francisco gives Baker Places each year connected to Vernick’s holding company, “Jonathan Ljv Holding Llc”?
From the records and from the background information I have acquired, it appears as though Jonathan Vernick has a standard operating procedure or modus operandi which involves mismanagement of funds and manipulating others to engage in unlawful and/or unethical conduct. I believe that the information provided in this paper supports the recommendation that the taxpayers of San Francisco should not be supporting him. Because there appears to be no way to separate Baker Places, Inc. from Jonathan Vernick, I will reluctantly recommend Baker Places be defunded if he refuses to step down. 

Contact List:

The following is a list of names of contacts mention in this paper in the order in which they are mentioned. All information given such as telephone numbers and emails are public information.

 1. Harry Petersen—telephone: 415-865-0734; email: safeway7354@gmail.com.

 2. Judith E. Stevenson—Telephone: 415-586-2843; 415-928-7905; email: juditheileen@msn.com . 

3. Fancher Larson—Telephone: 415-552-8100; Address: 1663 Mission Street, suite 310.

4. James H. Smithson—Telephone: 415-452-9980; Address: 303 Seneca Avenue.

5. Masami Endo—Telephone: 415-255-6544, ext. 257. Address: 120 Page Street.

6. Mike Lee—Telephone: 415-788-9000; email: mgwlaw@aol.com .

7. Lusia Francisco—Telephone: 415-255-6544; Address: 120 Page Street.

8. Jesse Ponce—Telephone: 415-255-6544; Address: 120 Page Street.

9. Nick Lederer—Telephone: 415-752-6444; email: nick@ggsenior.org .

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

The Illusion of Conscious Will

The text, The Illusion of Conscious Will, (MIT Press, 2002) by Daniel M. Wegner, the late Professor of Psychology at Harvard University, offers an excellent overview of what is going on in the brain that is causing the illusion of free will. The key point: When you were, say 3 years old, things just happened; there is no self-consciousness and thus no free will. Then the brain played a trick--which apparently does not happen to other species--it created a recording device which made you believe you are a separate person. From a neurological standpoint, it probably is the case that the hippocampus, which converts short-term events into long-term memory, has been activated.

Professor Wegner's key insight: The experience of events is activated by another part of the brain than the intention of causing the event to occur. Events happen, say I intend to go to the store to pick up some item and then I think the thought, "I need to go to the store," and then I go to the store. The commonplace understanding is "I" willed this action. In fact, these urges came from another part of the brain, got translated into subvocal speech and then the action took place. The conscious you had nothing to do with it; another part of the brain did it independently of your awareness.

While Wegner's insight is correct as far as it goes, we need to go a step further in our casual analysis: What causes the urges to occur in the first place? No one knows. At this point, all the brain researchers will start "hand-waving" and offering pseudo-explanations such as "emergence of brain processes" (see  Daniel Dennett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). While Professor Dennett certainly has some creative insights into the neurological processes of the brain, he still misses the point: What caused this emergence?

The two "best answers": 1) Consciousness, the intelligence using energy to create forms on a moment by moment basis; this is a spiritualized definition from Quantum Mechanics. 2) Agnostic, the position "we don't know." When one does a William James introspection, one finds the box is empty: Things happen and then you offer an invented story to explain it.

Perhaps the reader can do a thought experiment: "How did I learn, grow, and do things when I was 4-years old and had no conscious awareness?"

Enlightenment is the seeing that the thoughts you have are fed to you by Consciousness. Until the transpersonal self, located outside the brain, is activated, you will be under the delusion that you created your thoughts (which obviously makes no sense). This understanding at an energetic level is necessary for further developments to happen. Otherwise, one will just keep repeating the same patterns which will keep you in a state of quiet desperation....

Addendum on May 10, 2016: Because the nomenclature of the term transpersonal self  has different meanings according to the model being used, I will just point out this term is embedded in a three-consciousness model:
1) Body Consciousness-- this is the primitive self, which at the physical level is what human being are. See Judith Blackstone's, The Enlightenment Process, for more information.

2) Self-Consciousness which generally arises in human beings at about the 4-years of age and is when the clock starts ticking. In Freudian terms, this is the activation of the frontal cortex and is labeled "Superego" and "Ego." While this level allows for a kind of interaction in the 'real-world' unavailable at the Body Consciousness level, it also leads to humankind's insanity (see Man Against Himself by Karl Menninger, 1938).

3) Transpersonal Self--This is the higher self which apparently was constructed simultaneously with the ego mind. This spiritual engineering was necessary because the ego mind needs to be aware of itself in order to function effectively. Along with various energy centers such as chakras, there is an energy center outside the physical brain which interacts with other life forms and see the destructiveness of the Ego brain. This third kind of consciousness is the first step to freedom from the tyranny of the two-consciousness system (body and ego). It can be activated by intention.