Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Open Letter to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Demand the Baker Board Fire Jonathan Vernick on June 8th!

Dear Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors:


I wish to thank each of you for your kind attention for the past 8 months in which I have advocated for Jonathan Vernick’s dismissal as the executive director of Baker Places. As you know from the numerous emails, documents and direct meetings I have had with your aides, Vernick has abused both clients and employees for nearly 30 years and the taxpayers of San Francisco are supporting his abuse at nearly $12 million per year. Recently, I have dealt with Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health (DPH) and she has lied twice about making a public announcement concerning Vernick; moreover, Tom Mesa, a representative of DPH, on April 7, 2016 informed me in front of 3 witnesses that Vernick is a bully towards his employees and has mismanaged the public’s money. Yet, Garcia continues to support his abuse—even after I requested an email from her office indicating she would monitor Vernick; instead, she remained silent. Since SILENCE=DEATH, I am duty-bound to speak up for the potentially 1000s of victims of Jonathan Vernick since no one else will.

There is a Baker Places Board of Directors meeting scheduled June 8, 2016 in which I will be demanding Vernick’s immediate resignation. Since each of you as a Supervisor have the power to defund Baker, I respectful request that you contact Nick Lederer, the Chair of the Baker Board, at 415-752-6444 or 415-561-5200 or email him at nick@ggsenior.org and demand that the board dismiss its executive director.

Because this case involves the abuse of human beings, I take this quite seriously. It will be a matter of historical record how you and others respond at this time. I urge you to open your heart to the pain of the abuse so many have suffered at the hands of Jonathan Vernick. Please do not just do a political calculation and see what is best for your future ambitions. Thank you for your kind assistance. My email is safeway7354@gmail.com if I can provide additional information.

Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

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