Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Baker Places Employees: Rise Up on June 15, 2016 and Fire Jonathan Vernick!

It has been a long journey since I left 56 Francis Street in February 2015 to this day in which you are called upon to rid Baker Places of your executive director, Jonathan Vernick. You have the power! You can do it! Please start a campaign—either as a group or as individuals—and do what you can to protect the most vulnerable from abuse.

Some contacts which might be useful:
1. Contact Jonathan Vernick directly at 415-864-4655 and tell him it’s time to leave.
2.  Contact Nick Lederer, the Chair of the Board; telephone him at 415-561-5200 or 415-752-6444 or email him at: nick@ggsenior.org and demand that the Baker Board of Directors replace him by June 30, 2016.
3. Contact your member of the Board of Supervisors at www.sfbos.org. Although all the Supervisors might be potentially helpful, I have found Supervisors Aaron Peskin and Jane Kim to be particularly open. Please tell him or her that you, as an employee of Baker Places, demand to be treated with respect and not like little children.

As noted above, there will be a Baker Board meeting at 1000 Brannan Street, Suite 401 on June 15th at 6:30. Please save the date and let's rid Baker Places of Jonathan Vernick!
If we are successful in dismissing Vernick, all public campaigning including the posting of flyers in public and meeting with public officials will cease. I truly apologize for making this whole mess public, but your executive director, is a bully and needs to be taught a lesson…Thank you for your help!

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