Monday, May 9, 2016

Editorial: Barbara Garcia, Director of Public Health: Get the Fuck Out!

As of May 7, 2016 this blog starts a new focus: The Removal of Barbara Garcia, the Director of the Department of Public Health (DPH) in San Francisco. Because she chose to ignore “The Agreement” whose outlines were made on April 7, 2016 by Tom Mesa, a representative of DPH (see April 22, 2016 post below), she has indicated by her silence that she supports the mismanagement of Jonathan Vernick and his abuse towards clients and employees.

Note that SILENCE=DEATH and her refusal to deal to abuse towards potentially 1000’s of San Franciscans who receive services from Baker Places, which is financed by the taxpayers of San Francisco, means that like Police Chief Greg Suhr who needs to be held accountable for the racist cops in his department, and Mayor Ed Lee needs to be recalled for implementing policies which are leading to displacement of people who have made this City part of their heritage to make room for techies who will be gone at the first sign of an economic downturn, she, too, must be held accountable for those whom she has oversight and authority.

The first public salvo to alert the public to Garcia’s support of abuse was the posting of the May 7, 2016 in which we posted a 19-point document which was given to Mr. Mesa (see post below). I invite readers to take a few minutes to read it as it give a quick overview to the various players in this drama.

The next step will be to post billings in public exposing Garcia’s support of abuse. I will post a draft copy in the next day or two and then start publicly posting on street lamps, cafes, and the like. Please note that I will use strong language in these postings which may not be suitable for children or those of a sensitive nature.

Simultaneously, we will continue to advocate for Jonathan Vernick’s removal. Apparently, there will be a Baker Places’ Board of Directors meeting on June 8, 2016 at 1000 Brannon Street, Suite 401, about 5:30 P.M.  Flyers will be posted alerting the public to this meeting.

In conclusion, I wish to thank all my supporters, including a former case manager, Mark C., from whom I receive words of encouragement this past Saturday. Please contact Barbara Garcia and tell her to get the fuck out:

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