Saturday, May 14, 2016

A Reporter's Odds and Ends

1) A reporter of this blog has used the equation SILENCE=DEATH. This comes from Larry Kramer, an AIDS rights advocate from the 1980s who demanded the United States government help finance research into a cure for the HIV virus. He started the direct action group “ACT UP” to protest the silence on the part of public officials about the public health crisis which was killing millions of gays around the world. Readers are invited to obtain a copy of the book And The Band Played On by Randy Shilts for a history of this period. Please note Mr. Shilts died of AIDS in 1994.


2) The ethical underpinning of “SILENCE=DEATH” comes from the Nuremberg Trials from the aftermath of Nazi Germany. During World War II, Chancellor Hitler order the execution of millions including Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehovah Witnesses. The total number may be as high as 10 million deaths in what is often referred to as the “holocaust.” Please note that Jews, in which an estimated 6 million were murdered by the Nazis, often use this term to denote the crimes of humanity against them. One of principles which was codified: Crimes against humanity are universally immoral and saying “I remained silent because I was just following orders” is unacceptable. So if one remains silent when others are being abused, then he is just as guilty as the one who committed the crimes. Please note we have charged Barbara Garcia as presently committing crimes against humanity by allowing Jonathan Vernick to abuse potentially 1000s. We know she is informed because on April 7, 2016 a representative for the Department of Public Health, Tom Mesa, informed a reporter three times that Vernick is a “bully” towards clients and employees.

3) In the State Senate Race, District 11, between Jane Kim and Scott Wiener, we really like both candidates. While Kim is the more progressive and fits well in San Francisco, Wiener is a more moderate progressive. The race between two excellent candidates shows the unintended consequences of term limits: San Francisco will lose two highly-qualified representatives on the Board of Supervisors who have had on-the-job training for the past 8 years. And they will be replaced by whom? An inexperienced politico who will make similar mistakes which no doubt both Kim and Wiener have made. Perhaps it’s time to rethink term limits.

4) On April 7, 2016 before 3 witnesses, Tom Mesa, a representative of the Department of Public Health, made the following observation when a reporter noted that 3 of Jonathan Vernick’s employees had complained that Vernick  had dementia: “No, he’s a bully!” This statement or a similar statement was repeated 2 times.

5) San Francisco police officers are high school graduates earning an average of $100,000 per year in salary and benefits. Is it possible the educational standards needs to be increased to a minimum of a four-year college degree, say a B.A. in Criminal Justice? Probably 4 years of college will weed out the most vile and racist cops. We believe as long as cops are uneducated they will continue to view their jobs as being part of “law enforcement” when, in fact, it is about helping people feel self-empowered. In general, people who are treated with respect and helped instead of being murdered respond more favorably. Perhaps Scott Wiener, the policy wonk on the board of supervisors, can write a new ballot proposition: “Shall all new police officers in San Francisco be required to have a 4-year college degree from an accredited university?”


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