Monday, May 23, 2016

Suhr Fired! Now Let’s Get Verncik!

1. Police Chief Greg Suhr: FIRED! This is great news as it shows San Francisco protestors will NOT allow this City to become mean as the rest of the nation is becoming. While we are not privy to the use-of-force policy in San Francisco, the obvious question is: Why do police officers carry guns at all? Those interested in this and similar questions are invited to register at for the “San Francisco Public Defender’s Justice Summit” this Wednesday, May 25, 2016 between 9 a.m. – 2: 30 p.m. at the main library.

2. We are irate with Barbara Garcia for her allowing Jonathan Vernick to abuse both employees and clients receiving services paid for by the taxpayers. Since we have been in contact with Garcia since October of 2015 and have sent her numerous documents via registered mail by the USPS, we know she is well-informed about the misconduct of Vernick. The final straw was when a representative of the Department of Health, Tom Mesa, informed a reporter in front of three witnesses that Jonathan Vernick is a bully towards others and has mismanaged the public’s money. Even after this direct admission by DHP, Garica still supports abuse. She needs to get the fuck out—NOW!

3. There will be an upcoming Baker Places Director of the Board meeting on June 8, 2016 at 1000 Brannan Street, Suite 401 at 5:30. Please attend so we can demand Vernick’s immediate resignation!

4. Many thanks to the activists in San Francisco who know that the power players in this town would love to turn it into a playground for the upper-class Whites and screw everyone else. Only by standing up to the likes of Garcia, Vernick, and Lee, and other bad actors can we keep our City open to diversity, tolerance and innovation!  

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