A dedicated reader asks via email : "I am not clear as to why you are seeking Barbara Garcia's resignation." Below is my reply.
Dear ------------------------- :
All I asked from her was a simple acknowledgement of "The Agreement" (see April 22, 2016 post on www.defundbakerplaces. blogspot.com). I made it clear via register mail that all I wanted was some verbal agreement that she took the allegations of mismanagement and abuse seriously. By maintaining silence in what appears to be a lack of needed oversight on her part (i.e., she failed to properly supervise Jonathan Vernick for the past 6 years of her tenure), she shows she supports abuse and because it's been going on for nearly 30 years, I believe he is actively engaged in torture.
The only response Garcia has given me is "we will have a meeting about this" (February 12, 2016 at 101 Grove Street); this is before she lied and said a public announcement resolving the leadership crisis would be made in mid-February and then later claimed it would be resolved the first week of March.
Please note that although having a studio apartment is nice, it of no importance compared to the abuse people must tolerate by dealing with Jonathan Vernick. In other words, I believe abuse of human beings is wrong and Garcia approves of it: SILENCE=DEATH!
While I am grateful for your kind assistance, perhaps you could email Garcia and ask her why she wants this public confrontation. Thank you for sharing your insights.
Sincerely Yours,
Harry Petersen

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