Monday, September 10, 2018

Editorial: My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 3 years

Note To Investigators: Jonathan Vernick has taken Baker Places web site down, has formed a new group “PRC Baker Places,” and has no public face on the PRC website. The best way to find out about the situation is to contact Baker Places at 120 Page at 415-255-6544.

Note to Readers: This editorial is an update of a previous post on this blog:  My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years .
1. One important insight about Baker Places is that it is part of a group of 30 or so nonprofits which network together. They form a powerful political bloc such that they can control appointments to various government positions, can call upon the supervisors and mayor to do their bidding and so forth. The godfather of this consortium is Nick Lederer, CEO of Haight Ashbury Free Clinic and Golden Gate Senior Services. 
2. Another insight which might be helpful is to see how unethical nonprofits operate in San Francisco:
* They offer free services to the 11 supervisors in their various districts. Indeed, it is common for a supervisor’s aide to call up a nonprofit and tell them what needs to be done in their district.
* They will support the supervisors and mayor in their campaigns. This might be done via “dark money” which is funneled through private groups or by doing services in kind or in some kind of quid pro quo.

* In return for supporting the supervisors, each July a budget is passed for nonprofits. Recently, it was over $300 million for the several hundred nonprofits in San Francisco. Rarely is a nonprofit defunded since they support the supervisors and the mayor.

* The unethical nonprofits will then steal as most of their yearly allotment as possible. Since there is almost no oversight over the expenditures of nonprofits such as yearly audit by the Controller’s Office, there is no data on how the government’s money was spent.

* The unethical nonprofits will have high administrative costs such as paying their CEO’s $200,000 per year. In addition, these nonprofits will apply and receive various grants such as those from the Mayor’s Department on Housing and Development. Note: Baker Places would fit my definition of an “unethical nonprofit” and thus this is how Vernick operates.

 3. As noted in the post below, Jonathan Vernick is a world-class hypnotist who practices black magic. I understand those of a rational mind set will believe there is no such thing as magic. Thus, I would invite those readers to see Real Magic By Dean Radin. See: Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a ... Note that  Dr. Radin has been a leading researcher into the paranormal and his latest text is a capstone of a career in which he has researched this subject, both on a personal level and in an academic level. He conclude this text with " Magic is real. Deal with it." 

4. Those who would like insight into how world-class hypnotist work may want to see an older text, The Great Psychological Crime, by Florence Huntley, published in 1903. See: [PDF]The Great Psychological Crime - The Great School of Natural Science  to download this text. Note this text lays out the various techniques Vernick uses including hypnotizing someone without them being aware of it, placing post-hypnotic commands in the subject's mind, and otherwise controlling other people. 

5. I wish to reiterate what is said below: Jonathan Vernick is not a human being. He is a world-class hypnotist who can control people to do his bidding. Public warning: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years

Note to readers: I originally published this essay on June 12, 2017 on this blog. Please see: My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years.

1. Jonathan Vernick is a world-class hypnotist. He specializes in hypnotizing individuals against their will to do his bidding. His level of expertise is at a counterintelligence level. The public should be alerted: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

2. Jonathan Vernick is some kind of non-human entity. I know this because he can control his subjects via intention when they repeat an implanted phrase. Oddly enough, Jonathan Vernick’s usual phrase is for someone to speak the words “Jonathan Vernick” aloud in his presence. If he ever were a human being, he is not today. If there is a hell for these creatures, then Vernick will be going there to burn forever.

3. From the first two claims, there follows two other lemmas or theorems:
a. Psychopath—Since Vernick is some kind of demonic being, it would follow that he has no regard for the rights of human beings.
b. Bully—Vernick loves to control people and manipulate them. He likes to hurt people.

4. Vernick has early-stage dementia—This is clear from my interactions from January 27, 2015 to February 24, 2015 and on June 15, 2016. He forgets what he said or did a few days earlier. When you try to correct what he is saying, he becomes a bully and denies saying it. It looks like the demonic host will be leaving his body in due course as it is my understanding this condition is progressive and will become worse with each passing year. Note: Dementia affects both memory and judgment. If my claim is true, then he will continue to use poor judgment in his actions.

5. Jonathan Vernick is a party guy. I think he likes nothing more than going to a party, interacting with various players, getting drunk or high. Although his orientation is primarily homosexual, even nearing 80-years of age he can charm the ladies.

6. Vernick’s core intelligence or IQ is around 120---which is the IQ level of attorneys'. Before he develop dementia a few years ago, I have been told by people who saw him in action that no one in the world could outplay him!

Conclusion: Jonathan Vernick is not a human being. He is a world-class hypnotist who controls people against their will. To repeat the warning above: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

Monday, August 27, 2018

Editorial: Barbara Garcia Resigns Amid Corruption Probe

Call For Action:
As of today, August 27, 2018 Jonathan Vernick remains the executive director of Baker Places. I call upon the public to contact Mayor London Breed’s office and demand that Jonathan Vernick be removed immeditately. Please contact the Honorable Mayor at Contact Mayor London N. Breed | Office of the Mayor - SF Mayor's Office.

On August 22, 2018 Barbara Garcia, the head of the Department of Public Health (DPH) in San Francisco, was forced to resign amid a possible criminal investigation into violating the state’s conflict-of-interest laws. Here is what happened:

In 2009 the California Institute of Integral studies (IIS) was awarded a $1 million sole-source 7-year contract from the DPH. Garcia's wife-to-be, Dorotea Reyna, worked for the school in professional development. The source of the money was from Proposition 63 which put a 1% tax on millionaires. In 2011 Garcia became the head of DPH. In 2014 Barbara Garcia and Dorotea Reyna were married.

From 2014 to 2016 Ms. Reyna received about $100,000 from the school, IIS. The contract was a no-bid, single source contact. The problem: When Garcia and Reyna became married in 2014 the contract had to be open to other bidders in order to avoid California’s conflict-of-interest-laws. 

On Tuesday August 21, 2018 Garcia was given an ultimatum: Immediately resign or face being fired and face a criminal investigation by the City Attorney’s office. She choose to resign. Garcia announced her resignation to the public on August 22, 2018. For additional insights see: SF health director Garcia forced to resign over conflict-of-interest ...

The above corruption probe parallels the criminal corruption charges I made with the District Attorney George Gascón: See: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia.  Some observations:

* Barbara Garcia is an expert in using various sources of funding such as: The Proposition 63 funds, obtaining grants from the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Development (in San Francisco), the Ryan White Act (to support those with HIV), federal grants for HIV education, and private grants. Indeed, in her nearly 20 years in DPH she had acquired literally dozens of funding sources.

* An example of her expertise is in the funding of HealthRight 360, an arm of Waldens’ House at Mission and Van Ness. Garcia was able to obtain funds of $3.2 million for a new building. See: HealthRIGHT 360 Announces Location of New SF Healthcare Center ...

* Note to Investigators: There is evidence that HealthRight 360 at 1563 Mission is engaged in massive medi-cal and medicare fraud.

* Barbara Garcia’s modus operandi is to engage in lying, deception, and evasion. For example, in an email her department agreed to publicly announce Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places,  retirement by Febraury 15, 2016. When I went to her office to confirm this announcement on Febraury 12, 2016 a spokeswoman from her office lied a second time, claiming the announcement would occur in early in March of 2016. Needless to say, such an announcement was not forthcoming. See Reply To Reader: Why Are You Seeking Barbara Garcia's Resignation? a post on this blog on May 10, 2016

* Jonathan Vernick has announced two retirement dates: 

1. October 31, 2016 in which he told the gay press in San Francisco that Brett Andrews the CEO of Positive Resources would be the new executive director of Baker Places. This did not happen.

2. March 31, 2017 Jonathan Vernick release a press announcement of his impending retirement. See: [PDF]Jonathan Vernick Steps Down as Executive Director of Baker Places  This did not happen.

* When I confronted Barbara Garcia about her not keeping her word and also allowing Vernick to lie to the public (note: Baker Places is funded by DPH) she choose to ignore me. This forced me to post flyers exposing the matter to larger public.

* July 2017 I spoke with an insider in DPH who provided me with documents showing that Barbara Garcia had known and approved of the sale of a building which had been donated by the Mayor’s Office on Housing and Development. This building at 54-56 Francis Street housed ten clients such as those who were HIV+. The building was sold for nearly $800,000 in order for Jonathan Vernick to pay the IRS back taxes. This was misuse of public funds.

* Attorneys informed me that Barbara Garcia had been publicly corrupted for allowing Vernick to misuse public funds.  Hence, I filed criminal indictments against Barbara Garcia and Jonathan Vernick for public corruption.  See:  Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia .

* Note that Baker Places have two long-term case managers who would do a great job as the new Executive Director of Baker Places:

  1. Masami Endo—A leader in the Asian-American community. Contact number: 415-255-6544, extension, 257.
  2. Jesse Ponce—A leader in the Hispanic community who builds rapport with a diverse population. Contact number: 415-255-6544.
This editorial is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia

Update on April 17, 2018: Perhaps a reader might forward this post to various candidates for mayor such as Mr. Mark Leno, Ms. Jane Kim, and Ms. London Breed and ask them if they are going to clean City Hall when they are elected. In particular, encourage them to replace Barbara Garcia with a professional with a doctorate degree in medicine.

Note to readers: Please contact the District Attorney's office at San Francisco District Attorney's and the FBI at Welcome to — FBI. to have Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia arrested for public corruption.

August 28, 2017

Dear District Attorney George Gascón:

I am requesting that you bring criminal charges against: Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia for public corruption. For leads in this case I invite an investigator at your office to visit my link on my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.comSome Leads For Investigators. Please note that in a recent interview with a Baker Places employee, I was given the following information supported with documents:
*In 2014 Judith Stevenson, then the chief Financial Officer at Baker Places, Incorporated (hereafter “Baker Places” or “Baker”) mismanaged funds from Baker Places. It is estimated that over the more than 10 years she acted as the CFO she mismanaged $3.4 million. This is based on the 990s nonprofits file with the IRS. A source for these public records is Baker Places Inc.

*When Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, was notified of the financial mismanagement at Baker, he along with others such as Nick Lederer, the CEO of Baker Places, covered it up. They did not notified the police or the public. However, officials at the Department of Public Health, including Barbara Garcia and Tom Mesa were informed of the theft of public funds. This is public funds since nearly all of Baker’s $12 Million annual allotment comes from DPH. 

 * Nick Lederer, the CEO was notified of the situation via registered mail in April 2015 and did nothing.

 * Barbara Garcia was informed of Ms. Stevenson’s mismanagement of funds by late 2014. In addition, Tom Mesa was informed by 2015.

 *To pay the IRS $825,000 in back taxes, Jonathan Vernick had 10 clients illegally evicted from 54-56 Francis Street. Then he sold the property on February 12, 2015 and paid nearly $700,000 to the IRS on the same day (See IRS 990 form for 2013-2014 fiscal years). This was theft of public funds since this property had been donated by the Mayor’s Office on Housing and Development to house populations such as those who are HIV +.

 * This employee provided evidence that Barbara Garcia had approved of the sale of the property at 54-56 Francis Street. Also, the employee stated Barbara Garcia knew about the mismanagement of funds at Baker Places.  

 * As of today, August 28, 2017, Jonathan Vernick is selling the Baker Places’ office building  valued at $3 million. This building at 120 Page Street, known as West Side Lodge has been home to Baker for decades. Please note this building was donated to Baker Places to house various populations such as those who are HIV+. Employees will now have to be relocated to a woodshed-like structure on third street.

* To understand the real estate transactions, it was recommended that Pablo Tisker of Bernstein Realty be contacted. Apparently, he has ties to Baker Places property. See:

 I will be posting this letter on my blog, and asking readers to contact you. While I am not a legal scholar, I spoke with two attorneys on a pro bono basis and they both advised me that there are grounds to charge Jonathan Vernick with public corruption of Barbara Garcia; also, the attorney indicated that Barbara Garcia should be charged with public corruption offenses with your office.

It will be a pleasure to speak with one of your investigators and provide him or her with additional information. Please contact me at to set up an interview. Also, for additional insights an investigator might visit Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health.  Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Sincerely Yours,
Harry Petersen 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Some Leads For Investigators

Below are some leads which investigators might find helpful.  All information given such as telephone numbers and emails are public information.

1.  The reader can go to: Baker Places Inc , 2014-2015 where a net loss of $615,749 was recorded at the near bottom of the post under "Fund Balance; also, note that in the 2013-2014 IRS records there was a $825,577 lost posted for this fiscal year.  

2.  Michelle Lott—Reported the suicide of Scott McGreevy at San Jose Place. See link:
Jonathan Vernick Covering Up Death at San Jose Place, Reader Alleges


3. Press Release: Jonathan Vernick, executive director of Baker Places, Inc today announced he will be stepping down from the organization as of March 31, 2017. See: [PDF]Jonathan Vernick Steps Down as Executive Director of Baker Places ... Note: This press release is a falsehood since Mr. Vernick has not step down from Baker Places.


4. Judith E. Stevenson—Telephone: 415-586-2843; 415-928-7905; email: .  This is the CFO of Baker Places who left in 2014 for mismanaging public funds.

5.  Pablo Tisker—This is a realtor who rents apartments to Baker Places and has other financial ties to Baker:

Bernstein Realty - 43 Reviews - Property Management - 4248 23rd St ...

6.  This is an audit of Baker Places by the Controller’s Office in 2008. Ben Rosenfield, the Controller, directed the audit which you can view at:

7. This is my assessment of Jonathan Vernick after two years. While I realize many people will think my claim are crazy, I nonetheless report them because I have sufficient grounds to verify them: My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years .


8.  Harry Petersen—telephone: 415-865-0734; email: This is my contact info.

9. Fancher Larson—Telephone: 415-552-8100; Address: 1663 Mission Street, suite 310. This is a paralegal who defends clients in Baker Places; she has been involved in the case since January 27, 2015.

10. James H. Smithson—Telephone: 415-452-9980; Address: 303 Seneca Avenue. This was a tenant who was illegally evicted from 54 Franics Street in Nov. 2014

11. Masami Endo—Telephone: 415-255-6544, ext. 257. Address: 120 Page Street. This is a long-term case manager at Baker Places.
12. Lusia Francisco—Telephone: 415-255-6544; Address: 120 Page Street. This is a financial coordinator at Baker Places.
13. Jesse Ponce—Telephone: 415-255-6544; Address: 120 Page Street. This is a long-term case manager at Baker Places and would make a great new executive director.
14. Nick Lederer—Telephone: 415-752-6444; email: . This is the CEO of Baker Places.

15. This is a link to the criminal charges filed against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia with the District Attorney's office:

Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia

16. Two public officials at the Department of Public Health:

a. Barbara Garcia—She is the director of Public Health:
b. Tom Mesa— Oversees the implementing of programs approved by DPH: 

Also, here is a link to a report I gave him during an interview on April 7, 2016: Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health .

17. This is an historic link which covers posts starting from September 19, 2015, the date when this blog began: Historic Jonathan Vernick Post: Resources for Action!

18. Investigators might want to look into Mr. Vernick's private Corporation.  See : Jonathan Vernick Et Al v. Mynette Boykin :: Superior Court of ...