Monday, September 10, 2018

Editorial: My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 3 years

Note To Investigators: Jonathan Vernick has taken Baker Places web site down, has formed a new group “PRC Baker Places,” and has no public face on the PRC website. The best way to find out about the situation is to contact Baker Places at 120 Page at 415-255-6544.

Note to Readers: This editorial is an update of a previous post on this blog:  My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years .
1. One important insight about Baker Places is that it is part of a group of 30 or so nonprofits which network together. They form a powerful political bloc such that they can control appointments to various government positions, can call upon the supervisors and mayor to do their bidding and so forth. The godfather of this consortium is Nick Lederer, CEO of Haight Ashbury Free Clinic and Golden Gate Senior Services. 
2. Another insight which might be helpful is to see how unethical nonprofits operate in San Francisco:
* They offer free services to the 11 supervisors in their various districts. Indeed, it is common for a supervisor’s aide to call up a nonprofit and tell them what needs to be done in their district.
* They will support the supervisors and mayor in their campaigns. This might be done via “dark money” which is funneled through private groups or by doing services in kind or in some kind of quid pro quo.

* In return for supporting the supervisors, each July a budget is passed for nonprofits. Recently, it was over $300 million for the several hundred nonprofits in San Francisco. Rarely is a nonprofit defunded since they support the supervisors and the mayor.

* The unethical nonprofits will then steal as most of their yearly allotment as possible. Since there is almost no oversight over the expenditures of nonprofits such as yearly audit by the Controller’s Office, there is no data on how the government’s money was spent.

* The unethical nonprofits will have high administrative costs such as paying their CEO’s $200,000 per year. In addition, these nonprofits will apply and receive various grants such as those from the Mayor’s Department on Housing and Development. Note: Baker Places would fit my definition of an “unethical nonprofit” and thus this is how Vernick operates.

 3. As noted in the post below, Jonathan Vernick is a world-class hypnotist who practices black magic. I understand those of a rational mind set will believe there is no such thing as magic. Thus, I would invite those readers to see Real Magic By Dean Radin. See: Real Magic: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Science, and a ... Note that  Dr. Radin has been a leading researcher into the paranormal and his latest text is a capstone of a career in which he has researched this subject, both on a personal level and in an academic level. He conclude this text with " Magic is real. Deal with it." 

4. Those who would like insight into how world-class hypnotist work may want to see an older text, The Great Psychological Crime, by Florence Huntley, published in 1903. See: [PDF]The Great Psychological Crime - The Great School of Natural Science  to download this text. Note this text lays out the various techniques Vernick uses including hypnotizing someone without them being aware of it, placing post-hypnotic commands in the subject's mind, and otherwise controlling other people. 

5. I wish to reiterate what is said below: Jonathan Vernick is not a human being. He is a world-class hypnotist who can control people to do his bidding. Public warning: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

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