Monday, June 12, 2017

My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years

1. Jonathan Vernick is a world-class hypnotist. He specializes in hypnotizing individuals against their will to do his bidding. His level of expertise is at a counterintelligence level. The public should be alerted: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

2. Jonathan Vernick is some kind of non-human entity. I know this because he can control his subjects via intention when they repeat an implanted phrase. Oddly enough, Jonathan Vernick’s usual phrase is for someone to speak the words “Jonathan Vernick” aloud in his presence. If he ever were a human being, he is not today. If there is a hell for these creatures, then Vernick will be going there to burn forever.

3. From the first two claims, there follows two other lemmas or theorems:
a. Psychopath—Since Vernick is some kind of demonic being, it would follow that he has no regard for the rights of human beings.
b. Bully—Vernick loves to control people and manipulate them. He likes to hurt people.

4. Vernick has early-stage dementia—This is clear from my interactions from January 27, 2015 to February 24, 2015 and on June 15, 2016. He forgets what he said or did a few days earlier. When you try to correct what he is saying, he becomes a bully and denies saying it. It looks like the demonic host will be leaving his body in due course as it is my understanding this condition is progressive and will become worse with each passing year. Note: Dementia affects both memory and judgment. If my claim is true, then he will continue to use poor judgment in his actions.

5. Jonathan Vernick is a party guy. I think he likes nothing more than going to a party, interacting with various players, getting drunk or high. Although his orientation is primarily homosexual, even nearing 80-years of age he can charm the ladies.

6. Vernick’s core intelligence or IQ is around 120---which is the IQ level of attorneys'. Before he develop dementia a few years ago, I have been told by people who saw him in action that no one in the world could outplay him!
Conclusion: Jonathan Vernick is not a human being. He is a world-class hypnotist who controls people against their will. To repeat the warning above: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!


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