Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Supervisors: For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…

Note to Readers: This is a copy of a letter that I am sending to members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Please contact them and demand Baker Places be defunded:  Thank you for your assistance.

June 7, 2017

Dear Supervisors: 
Jonathan Vernick as of June 7, 2017 is in the process of illegally selling a building donated by the City several decades ago to house various populations. In recent years, 120 Page Street has been converted into apartments which are rented out and also doubles as the office space for the employees of Baker Places. Apparently, Vernick  is being forced to sell this building to pay off the embezzlement of Baker’s former CFO, Judith Stevenson in 2014, estimated at $3.4 million over a ten-year period. When Vernick was alerted to this theft he covered it up; also, late in 2014 Barbara Garcia was notified of Ms. Stevenson’s theft and in response allowed Jonathan Vernick to remain in his position.

An attorney has recommended the following charges: Barbara Garcia should be criminally charged with public corruption; both Jonathan Vernick and Judith Stevenson should be criminally charged with embezzlement; also, Jonathan Vernick should be charged for what appears to be theft of public funds. Please see my previous post, Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia .  
Jonathan Vernick is out of control:
* Vernick has release two press releases announcing his retirement: On October 31, 2016 and March 31, 2017. See:

  1) Press Release | Baker Places - San Francisco --In this press release, dated June 20, 2016 Jonathan Vernick agrees to step down by October 31, 2016.
2) [PDF]Jonathan Vernick Steps Down as Executive Director ... - San Francisco--In this press release, dated March 29, 2017 Jonathan Vernick agrees to step down by March 31, 2017.
Note that these press releases are all lies as Vernick remains as the executive of Baker Places. 
* Vernick has corrupted Barbara Garcia to such an extent that he thinks he can publicly disrespect her and get away with it. It appears as though some kind of blackmail or other “offer” has kept Garcia from firing Vernick. In any case, Garcia has no control over him and thus Barbara Garcia needs to be dismissed immediately. 
* Vernick has disrespected the gay community in San Francisco by informing the gay press that Brett Andrews would be the new CEO of Baker Places. Sadly, it appears as though Mr. Andrews has been used as a pawn in one of Mr. Vernick’s ploys.
* Vernick has further disrespected the gay community in San Francisco by withdrawing Baker Places’ funding for the “Castro Country Club,” one of the nation’s first clean and sober communities. Note that historically, this 12-step community, presently located at 18th and Castro, was the crown jewel of Baker Places. [Side note: Castro Country Club was recently funded by another nonprofit.] 

The list goes on. This man needs to be stopped! For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…

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