Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Barbara Garcia--Go Fuck Yourself!

Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself!

Readers: Please contact the San Francisco Board of Supervisors at www.sfbos.org ; Mayor Lee at  Contact Mayor Edwin M. Lee | Office of the Mayor; also, please contact the District Attorney's office at San Francisco District Attorney's.

  • On June 5, 2017, there was a request for a criminal indictment for Barbara Garcia’s involvement in public corruption (See: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia ). In 2014, she was notified that the CFO of Baker Places, Judith Stevenson, had embezzled $3.4 million from Baker Places over a ten-year period. When Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health, was notified of this theft of public funds, she did not alert the taxpayers of San Francisco nor did she inform the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (See letter sent to Supervisors: Supervisors: For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…). 
  • Barbara Garcia allowed Jonathan Vernick, the director of Baker Places, to remain in this position. Over the 7-year period of Garcia’s tenure—from 2010 to 2017—Baker Places has lost over $2 million of the taxpayer’s money. Please see IRS 990s which nonprofits file as proof. Note that Baker Places receives an allotment of $12 million annually  from  the DPH.
  •  Please note that as of June 5, 2017 Vernick is presently illegally selling its office building at 120 Page Street to cover the theft of $3.4 million. Also, note this building known as West Side Lodge was donated to Baker Places by the City of San Francisco to house population such as those who are HIV+.

If we unite in the Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Barbara Garcia to go fuck herself!


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