Friday, June 30, 2017

Readers: Please Help to Rid San Francisco of Jonathan Vernick!

June 30, 2017
Dear Readers:

Thank you for the outpouring of support in the past two weeks! We have two full weeks--until July 13 , 2017-- to rid San Francisco of Jonathan Vernick and to defund Baker Places. Here are some suggestions of how you might help:
1. Share posts on this blog with others—This will help out Baker Places employees whose office building at 120 Page Street is in the process of being sold. According to one employee whom I interviewed a few weeks back, employees will be forced to work out of a woodshed-like structure on 3rd street. Clearly, this is unacceptable. Please note that this property known as West Side Lodge was donated to Baker Places to house populations such as those who are HIV+. In my view, for Vernick to sell this building--valued at over $3 million--constitutes theft of public funds.

2. Contact Mayor Lee at  Contact Mayor Edwin M. Lee | Office of the Mayor. My impression of Mayor Lee: He is an honest man surrounded by a den of thieves. If we can appeal to his sense of public pride, then he might be willing to defund Baker Places. Please note that I offered a plan on May 27, 2017 post, "Editorial: It's Time To Defund Baker Places!"  (See: Editorial: It’s Time To Defund Baker Places!) which I cite below:

" Thus, I will request the Supervisors ( to defund Baker Places. To implement this plan I propose:

1. The 20 apartments Baker Places oversees can be given to “Community Housing Partnership." This nonprofit already has proved it can house various populations. See: Home - Community Housing PartnershipCommunity Housing ...

2. The employees who are under contract with local 1021 SEIU will continue to keep their jobs. The existing contract will remain in force with the only change being that they will work for Community Housing Partnership. 

3. Baker Places will lose its entire $12 million allotment for the Department of Public Health as their contract with the City is eliminated. 
4. The Department of Public Health will give new contracts to various nonprofits to oversee such programs as the “Joe Healy Detox” Center."

3. Contact the Supervisors at This case intersects with public corruption, theft of the taxpayer’s funds, and the hidden control of nonprofits. From what I have been able to deduce, Vernick is part of a conglomerate of a dozen or so nonprofits. These include: Golden Gate Senior Services, Haight Ashbury Free Clincs, Positive Resource Center, AIDS Emergence Fund, and Baker Places. I could name several other nonprofits to this list but lack sufficient proof to do so. I suspect these nonprofits—which are funded by the the taxpayers of San Francisco are a corrupt enterprise: They control the Supervisors by offering various services in each Supervisor’s district. This is why resolving the present mess is so difficult: These nonprofits network together and thus exert an enormous influence. It is interesting: These nonprofits are funded by the taxpayers and then turn around and use their funding to control the political process. 

4. Contact the District Attorney George Gascón: San Francisco District Attorney's It is quite clear that there are sufficient grounds to bring criminal charges against Barbara Garcia: In 2014 she was informed about mismanagement of funds at Baker Places; She did not inform the public about this; She allowed a donated property which housed 10 clients to be sold. By engaging in these actions, Barbara Garcia is a party to a crime. See Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia posted on this blog on June 5, 2017.  

5. Post flyers in public—“Robust speech is the best antidote to corruption.” While communicating online is great, it also good to publicly share one’s views. This is what  Free Speech and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is about: Speech which challenges the status quo and thus opens the possibility that transformations in our society might occur. 

6. Brainstorming Other Ideas:

* Baker Places employees should rise up and unite! Resist obeying the dictates of your leader! For once, just say “No!”

* The Grand Jury might want to investigate this case.

* The media might want to cover this case. If you have contacts in the media, then it would be great to encourage reporters and investigators to pursue this case.

I wish to thank all my readers for your support in the past two years. Please do what you can to rid San Francisco of Jonathan Vernick and to defund Baker Places.

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