Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Editorial: Yes, It’s Time To Defund Baker Places Now!

The only way to ensure Jonathan Vernick is removed from Baker Places is to defund it. Otherwise, next year I will have to start my public campaign against him anew. Since Vernick is a pathological liar, anything he says today will be reversed or revised tomorrow. Since Barbara Garcia is Jonathan Vernick’s bitch, she takes her orders from him; thus, Garcia is worthless.

The latest reiteration has Vernick claiming Brett Andrews is the new CEO of Baker Places. This is bullshit! Mr. Andrews already has two jobs 1) The executive director of a nonprofit, Positive Resource Center, and 2) Working on various fundraising committees such as “Pride” which supports gay causes.

According to a memo on June 20, 2016 which Vernick gave to his employees, he writes: “I have known and worked with Brett [Andrews] on many political and strategic issues over the years.” He notes that Mr. Andrews and he have been friends for over 13 years. This explains why Vernick is using Mr. Andrews: They are friends.

The claims against Jonathan Vernick include: He has mismanaged an estimated $100 million in public funds over the past 34 years; Vernick has corrupted dozens of public officials to do his bidding; Vernick orders his employees to lie in order to evict clients from donated buildings…The list goes on and on. The only way to rid San Francisco of this menace is to defund Baker Places. Anything less means the public will have to suffer another year of Vernick’s bullshit.

In an editorial on May 27, 2017 post, "Editorial: It's Time To Defund Baker Places!"  (See: Editorial: It’s Time To Defund Baker Places!) I outlined a plan in which Baker Places operations is given to Community Housing Partnership, a nonprofit with a proven record of successfully housing various populations. See:  Home - Community Housing PartnershipCommunity Housing ....      

Thus, I strongly recommend that Baker’s $12 million allotment be given to this nonprofit by July 18, 2017 as Baker’s contract with the City is terminated. Please do what you can to end this long nightmare now!

 This editorial is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution 

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