Monday, July 10, 2017

Readers: Contact the District Attorney and the FBI and Have Barbara Garcia Arrested For Public Corruption!

Readers: Please contact the District Attorney George Gascón at San Francisco District Attorney's and have Barbara Garcia charged for public corruption. Also, contact the FBI at San Francisco — FBI to have Ms. Garcia arrested.
The criminal case against Barbara Garcia is clear :

1. In 2014 there was financial mismanagement at Baker Places. Please see: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia posted on this blog on June 5, 2017.
2. Barbara Garcia, the Director of Public Health was notified by late 2014, about the mismanaging of public funds and did nothing. Note that she failed to notify the public or the Supervisors.
3. Barbara Garcia allowed Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, to sell property at 54-56 Francis Street. This building housed 10 clients such as those who are HIV+. It was donated by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Development to Baker Places. The eviction of these 10 clients of Baker Places was illegal

4. According the the IRS 990s on February 12, 2015 Jonathan Vernick paid back taxes of $729,000. This is what the building had sold for on the same day. See the fiscal year 2013-2014 at for this information.

5. This is a clear-cut case of a public official being corrupted. According to an attorney Barbara Garcia should be charged for public corruption offenses.

Recap: In 2014, Barbara Garcia had been informed that there had been financial mismanagement at Baker Places; She allowed Jonathan Vernick to sell a donated building which housed 10 clients in order to pay the IRS back taxes. Barbara Garcia’s actions legally fall under the public corruption statures as she had a duty to alert the public about the mismanagement and failed to do so.

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