Monday, August 28, 2017

Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia

Note to readers: Please contact the District Attorney's office at San Francisco District Attorney's and the FBI at Welcome to — FBI. to have Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia arrested for public corruption.

August 28, 2017

Dear District Attorney George Gascón:

I am requesting that you bring criminal charges against: Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia for public corruption. For leads in this case I invite an investigator at your office to visit my link on my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.comSome Leads For Investigators. Please note that in a recent interview with a Baker Places employee, I was given the following information supported with documents:
*In 2014 Judith Stevenson, then the chief Financial Officer at Baker Places, Incorporated (hereafter “Baker Places” or “Baker”) mismanaged funds from Baker Places. It is estimated that over the more than 10 years she acted as the CFO she mismanaged $3.4 million. This is based on the 990s nonprofits file with the IRS. A source for these public records is Baker Places Inc.

*When Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, was notified of the financial mismanagement at Baker, he along with others such as Nick Lederer, the CEO of Baker Places, covered it up. They did not notified the police or the public. However, officials at the Department of Public Health, including Barbara Garcia and Tom Mesa were informed of the theft of public funds. This is public funds since nearly all of Baker’s $12 Million annual allotment comes from DPH. 

 * Nick Lederer, the CEO was notified of the situation via registered mail in April 2015 and did nothing.

 * Barbara Garcia was informed of Ms. Stevenson’s mismanagement of funds by late 2014. In addition, Tom Mesa was informed by 2015.

 *To pay the IRS $825,000 in back taxes, Jonathan Vernick had 10 clients illegally evicted from 54-56 Francis Street. Then he sold the property on February 12, 2015 and paid nearly $700,000 to the IRS on the same day (See IRS 990 form for 2013-2014 fiscal years). This was theft of public funds since this property had been donated by the Mayor’s Office on Housing and Development to house populations such as those who are HIV +.

 * This employee provided evidence that Barbara Garcia had approved of the sale of the property at 54-56 Francis Street. Also, the employee stated Barbara Garcia knew about the mismanagement of funds at Baker Places.  

 * As of today, August 28, 2017, Jonathan Vernick is selling the Baker Places’ office building  valued at $3 million. This building at 120 Page Street, known as West Side Lodge has been home to Baker for decades. Please note this building was donated to Baker Places to house various populations such as those who are HIV+. Employees will now have to be relocated to a woodshed-like structure on third street.

* To understand the real estate transactions, it was recommended that Pablo Tisker of Bernstein Realty be contacted. Apparently, he has ties to Baker Places property. See:

 I will be posting this letter on my blog, and asking readers to contact you. While I am not a legal scholar, I spoke with two attorneys on a pro bono basis and they both advised me that there are grounds to charge Jonathan Vernick with public corruption of Barbara Garcia; also, the attorney indicated that Barbara Garcia should be charged with public corruption offenses with your office.

It will be a pleasure to speak with one of your investigators and provide him or her with additional information. Please contact me at to set up an interview. Also, for additional insights an investigator might visit Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health.  Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

Sincerely Yours,
Harry Petersen 

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