Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Historic Jonathan Vernick Post: Resources for Action!

Below is an historic post which was originally posted on this blog on September 19, 2015. The resource section was added in 2016.

An Open Letter to the San Francisco Board of Directors: Why Jonathan Vernick Needs To Retire
Resources about the Jonathan Vernick Case

Below are some resources the reader may find helpful:

1. Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself! This is the info sheet for public distribution. 

2. Contact Us — FBI. The hotline number is 1-800-CALL-FBI. This is contact info for the FBI. Please contact them and have Jonathan Vernick arrested along with his enablers. 

3)  Reader Wants To Know If There is Enough Evidence For a Legal Inquiry – This post gives an excellent overview of the legal case against Jonathan Vernick.

4)   Board of Supervisors : Home—This is the contact info for the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Please contact them and demand Jonathan Vernick be dismissed as executive director of Baker Places.

5)  San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Defund Baker Places—Now! This is an open letter to the Board of Supervisors demanding that Baker Places be defunded.

6)  Stop this Bullshit--Jonathan Vernick has dementia! This post gives direct evidence of Vernick’s early-stage dementia. 

7)  Baker Places Board of Director’s Meeting on June 15, 2016: Reporter’s Notes—My notes of the Baker Board of Director’s meeting.

8) Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health --This is an excellent overview of the Jonathan Vernick case.

9) How we got into this mess: a subjective first-person account --This is an historical document from November 5, 2015 in which I explain how this case came to be.

10) Jonathan Vernick Covering Up Death at San Jose Place, Reader Alleges

1) Jonathan Vernick, who is about 65-years old, has mild, but chronic memory loss consistent with Alzheimer's. Others around him know this but are protecting him. Why? Sources: Dozens of personal observations and statements by two individuals who have known him for years.

2) In the 2013-2014 fiscal year he lost over $822,000. out of a budget of $11.8 million. This should be a red flag that something is amiss. The Board of Supervisors need to demand some answers starting with the former CFO, Judith Stevenson. Source: IRS 2013-2014 990 form.

3) Jonathan Vernick defrauded a tenant out of over $200,000 by making a real estate trade but then later denying the exchange had taken place. Source:  Rent Board charge filed on August 10, 2015.

4) According to 2008 audit by the Controller's office of San Francisco into Baker Places, Inc., there is a consistent pattern of unwillingness or inability to following accepted accounting principles. Source: See 2008 audit with San Francisco's Controller's Office--I will link later.

5) Jonathan Vernick forged the name of the Chair of the Board, Nick Lederer on a document. I find this quite disturbing if true (and it is true) as it goes to the character of the this man.  The March 31, 2015 letter (as was the April 9, 2015) was written by Fancher Larson on his behalf and given to me. The signature for this Internet copy could not have been signed by Mr. Lederer since he knew nothing about the letter when I asked him about it.  Sources: Fancher Larson and April letter sent to Mr. Lederer.

6) Jonathan Vernick had 6 clients removed from 54-56 Francis Street by having case managers tell various lies about repair to the building (when in fact the building was being sold to make up over a $800,000 loss from the previous year). This is disturbing because Jonathan Vernick and/or his representatives have created a culture of deception. Source: Personal observations.

7) The mismanagement of funds has been going on for years and thus a police report was filed about possible embezzlement charges on September 2, 2015 with the San Francisco Police Department. Clearly, without Jonathan Vernick's immediate retirement, nothing will change. Source: See police report.

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