Monday, July 31, 2017

Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself!

Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself!

Please contact the District Attorney's office at San Francisco District Attorney's to have Barbara Garcia criminally charged for public corruption. Also, see: Some Leads For Investigators for additional resources. 
  • On June 5, 2017, there was a request for a criminal indictment for Barbara Garcia’s involvement in public corruption (See: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia ). In 2014, she was notified that the CFO of Baker Places, Judith Stevenson, had mismanaged funds of over $700,000.  See: Baker Places Inc. for IRS records.  When Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health, was notified of this mismanagement of public funds, she did not alert the taxpayers of San Francisco nor did she inform the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (See letter sent to Supervisors: Supervisors: For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…). 
  • Barbara Garcia allowed Jonathan Vernick, the director of Baker Places, to remain in this position. Over the 7-year period of Garcia’s tenure—from 2010 to 2017—Baker Places has lost over $2 million of the taxpayer’s money. Please see IRS 990s which nonprofits file as proof. Note that Baker Places receives an allotment of $12 million annually  from  the DPH.  See: Readers: Contact the District Attorney and the FBI and Have Barbara Garcia Arrested For Public Corruption!
  •  Please note that as of July 31, 2017 Vernick is presently selling its office building at 120 Page Street to cover his mismanagement of funds. Note that the building is worth over $3 million. Also, note this building known as West Side Lodge was donated to Baker Places by the City of San Francisco to house populations such as those who are HIV+. 
    If we unite in the “Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself” Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Barbara Garcia to go fuck herself!

Monday, July 24, 2017

Continuing the Holy Fight!

July 24, 2017

As a follower of Jesus, I have not come to “impose peace upon the world but to impose conflicts: Fire, Sword, War” (Jesus— saying 16, The Gospel According to Thomas). Thus, it is my honor to continue the Holy Fight into its third year. Because Jonathan Vernick is a non-human entity (see: My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years for additional insights), I have no other choice but to fight this evil with the sword of righteousness. Perhaps this explains to the reader why I have told this creature to “go fuck itself.” This is the only language this creature can understand.

I fully realize that in this secularized age many will consider me crazy to claim Vernick is a demonic being. Yet, how could I honor the truth when I have abundance of proof that he is demonic? Because of the subjective nature of the accounts (and there is no way the reader could verify them in any case) the reader will have to rely upon my honor to the truth to assess my claims.

In any case, Jonathan Vernick is a world-class hypnotist who specializes in forcing people to do what he commands them to do. From what I have seen, he places a code phrase into a subject and then controls them at a later date by having that phrase repeated in his presence. Oddly, his usual code phrase is to have someone say “Jonathan Vernick.” In addition, it appears that he has taught his advanced techniques to nearly 100 disciples. These confederates form the core of his enterprise since at nearing 80 years of age he has dementia. Moreover, there appears to be about a dozen groups for whom he works on various “projects” (i.e., getting people to give the group money or otherwise do his bidding).

Without a doubt, the vast majority of educated speakers in the West will understand the above claims to be the product of a deranged mind. And had I not seen him in action on nearly a dozen occasions, I would agree with this assessment: I must be crazy! After looking carefully at the raw data I have collected over the past 2.5 years, considered multiple explanations, and attempted to apply the most parsimonious reasoning to my interpretations, I can state affirmatively: Jonathan Vernick is a non-human entity.

So this Holy Fight is not about the public corruption of public officials, the mismanagement of public funds, or the abuse of Vernick towards his employees. Instead, it is a cosmic battle between God and Satan. I proudly stand with God and honor the Truth!  I ask the reader to do one thing: Please pray that God will give me the strength to continue this Holy Fight….

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Some Leads For Investigators

Below are some leads which investigators might find helpful.  All information given such as telephone numbers and emails are public information.

1.  The reader can go to: Baker Places Inc , a link to 2013 and 2014 where a net loss of $825,577 was recorded at the near bottom of the post under "Fund Balance"  See: IRS 990 Form shows Baker Places lost over $700,000 in 2013.

2.  Michelle Lott—Reported the suicide of Scott McGreevy at San Jose Place. See link:

Jonathan Vernick Covering Up Death at San Jose Place, Reader Alleges

3. Press Release: Jonathan Vernick, executive director of Baker Places, Inc today announced he will be stepping down from the organization as of March 31, 2017. See: [PDF]Jonathan Vernick Steps Down as Executive Director . Note: This press release is a falsehood since Mr. Vernick has not step down from Baker Places.

4. Judith E. Stevenson—Telephone: 415-586-2843; 415-928-7905; email: .  This is the CFO of Baker Places who left in 2014 for mismanaging public funds.

5.  Pablo Tisker—This is a realtor who rents apartments to Baker Places and has other financial ties to Baker:
Bernstein Realty - 43 Reviews - Property Management - 4248 23rd St ...

6.  This is an audit of Baker Places by the Controller’s Office in 2008. Ben Rosenfield, the Controller, directed the audit which you can view at:

7. This is my assessment of Jonathan Vernick after two years. While I realize many people will think I am crazy about my claims, I nonetheless report them because I have sufficient grounds to verify them: My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years .

8.  Harry Petersen—telephone: 415-865-0734; email: This is my contact info.

9. Fancher Larson—Telephone: 415-552-8100; Address: 1663 Mission Street, suite 310. This is a paralegal who defends clients in Baker Places; she has been involved in the case since January 27, 2015.

10. James H. Smithson—Telephone: 415-452-9980; Address: 303 Seneca Avenue. This was a tenant who was illegally evicted from 54 Franics Street in Nov. 2014

11. Masami Endo—Telephone: 415-255-6544, ext. 257. Address: 120 Page Street. This is a long-term case manager at Baker Places.


12. Lusia Francisco—Telephone: 415-255-6544; Address: 120 Page Street. This is a financial coordinator at Baker Places.

13. Jesse Ponce—Telephone: 415-255-6544; Address: 120 Page Street. This is a long-term case manager at Baker Places and would make a great new executive director.

14. Nick Lederer—Telephone: 415-752-6444; email: . This is the CEO of Baker Places.


15. This is a link to the criminal charges filed against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia with the District Attorney's office:  Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia .

 16. Two public officials at the Department of Public Health:

a. Barbara Garcia—She is the director of Public Health:

b. Tom Mesa— Oversees the implementing of programs approved by DPH: 
Also, here is a link to a report I gave him during an interview on April 7, 2016: Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health .

17. Investigators might want to look into Mr. Vernick's private Corporation.  See : Jonathan Vernick Et Al v. Mynette Boykin :: Superior Court of ...

Monday, July 10, 2017

Readers: Contact the District Attorney and the FBI and Have Barbara Garcia Arrested For Public Corruption!

Readers: Please contact the District Attorney George Gascón at San Francisco District Attorney's and have Barbara Garcia charged for public corruption. Also, contact the FBI at San Francisco — FBI to have Ms. Garcia arrested.
The criminal case against Barbara Garcia is clear :

1. In 2014 there was financial mismanagement at Baker Places. Please see: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia posted on this blog on June 5, 2017.
2. Barbara Garcia, the Director of Public Health was notified by late 2014, about the mismanaging of public funds and did nothing. Note that she failed to notify the public or the Supervisors.
3. Barbara Garcia allowed Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, to sell property at 54-56 Francis Street. This building housed 10 clients such as those who are HIV+. It was donated by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Development to Baker Places. The eviction of these 10 clients of Baker Places was illegal

4. According the the IRS 990s on February 12, 2015 Jonathan Vernick paid back taxes of $729,000. This is what the building had sold for on the same day. See the fiscal year 2013-2014 at for this information.

5. This is a clear-cut case of a public official being corrupted. According to an attorney Barbara Garcia should be charged for public corruption offenses.

Recap: In 2014, Barbara Garcia had been informed that there had been financial mismanagement at Baker Places; She allowed Jonathan Vernick to sell a donated building which housed 10 clients in order to pay the IRS back taxes. Barbara Garcia’s actions legally fall under the public corruption statures as she had a duty to alert the public about the mismanagement and failed to do so.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Editorial: Yes, It’s Time To Defund Baker Places Now!

The only way to ensure Jonathan Vernick is removed from Baker Places is to defund it. Otherwise, next year I will have to start my public campaign against him anew. Since Vernick is a pathological liar, anything he says today will be reversed or revised tomorrow. Since Barbara Garcia is Jonathan Vernick’s bitch, she takes her orders from him; thus, Garcia is worthless.

The latest reiteration has Vernick claiming Brett Andrews is the new CEO of Baker Places. This is bullshit! Mr. Andrews already has two jobs 1) The executive director of a nonprofit, Positive Resource Center, and 2) Working on various fundraising committees such as “Pride” which supports gay causes.

According to a memo on June 20, 2016 which Vernick gave to his employees, he writes: “I have known and worked with Brett [Andrews] on many political and strategic issues over the years.” He notes that Mr. Andrews and he have been friends for over 13 years. This explains why Vernick is using Mr. Andrews: They are friends.

The claims against Jonathan Vernick include: He has mismanaged an estimated $100 million in public funds over the past 34 years; Vernick has corrupted dozens of public officials to do his bidding; Vernick orders his employees to lie in order to evict clients from donated buildings…The list goes on and on. The only way to rid San Francisco of this menace is to defund Baker Places. Anything less means the public will have to suffer another year of Vernick’s bullshit.

In an editorial on May 27, 2017 post, "Editorial: It's Time To Defund Baker Places!"  (See: Editorial: It’s Time To Defund Baker Places!) I outlined a plan in which Baker Places operations is given to Community Housing Partnership, a nonprofit with a proven record of successfully housing various populations. See:  Home - Community Housing PartnershipCommunity Housing ....      

Thus, I strongly recommend that Baker’s $12 million allotment be given to this nonprofit by July 18, 2017 as Baker’s contract with the City is terminated. Please do what you can to end this long nightmare now!

 This editorial is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution