Monday, September 12, 2016

Thank You Readers For Firing Jonathan Vernick!

I wish to thank readers for their assistance in having Jonathan Vernick dismissed as the CEO of Baker Places. Each of you were my secret weapon against Vernick as we achieved this outcome together. Some clarifications:

1. To the best of my understanding: Baker Places will cease to exist as of October 31, 2016 when Positive Resource Center (PRC)  (see: Positive Resource Center: Welcome) takes over and Jonathan Vernick leaves his position.  The new organization will be directed by PRC board of directors. While the various components of Baker Places such as the placement of housing for various populations such as those who are HIV+ will continue for a time, there no reason the board of directors of PRC could not shift its spending priorities from apartments to other services. In any case, there will be no Baker Board of Directors and Vernick will be gone. 

2. It is my conjecture that Vernick probably had many strikes against him before my case came about; it appears as though lots of people were tired of his bullshit. No doubt this is why they helped my cause: To help themselves. In any case, thanks!

3. While I took a risk in telegraphing my plans on this blog and assumed that Vernick probably was reading my posts (this was confirmed by someone who was an insider in Baker Places), I was confident that various players would help out. I remain amazed that on July 3, 2015 I sent Baker Places a “Master Agreement” in which I specifically stated I retained the right to sue Baker Places for fraud if this agreement were not accepted; and what did Vernick do? Turned around in a July 21, 2015 letter and threaten me! It was at this point that I went public with this case. Once this case went public Vernick has already lost.  This was pointed by several attorneys that for a nonprofit to allow a case about fraud and mismanagement of finances to go public ensured Jonathan Vernick’s removal. Why did he not see this? In my view, he always thought this case was between him and me and never fully grasped the fact that when it went public, he was lost. Perhaps his dementia caused him to have poor judgment.

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