Tuesday, September 27, 2016

“Don’t Let Perfection Be the Enemy of the Good”: Vote for Hillary Clinton, and Scott Wiener

1. Hillary Clinton is a flawed candidate. Her explanations about why she did not follow the straightforward guideline about using only secure email accounts when conducting the people’s business are unconvincing; she appears to have no new ideas—like a guaranteed $2,000 monthly income to each U.S. citizen (the cost to the federal government will be about neutral as 100’s of other programs, such as food stamps, will be eliminated); while she is capable in handling international affairs, she appears to be too wedded to the status quo for any forward thinking to occur. Overall, I would grade Clinton with a 75% or a C+ as being qualified being president since her years as the first lady, senator, and secretary of state shows she is both knowledgeable about foreign affairs and cares about people.

2. Donald Trump has no political experience, is a pathological liar who constantly lies and never appears to feel any guilt about being caught in his literally hundred of lies. Trump has no understanding of foreign affairs. Trump appears to be semiliterate as his use of language is slightly above that of a junior high school student. Overall, I would grade Trump with a 15% or an F since he is completely unqualified and unfit to be president of the USA. 

3. I like Jane Kim. She is progressive, has some interesting proposals such as making City College free for all students, and cares about people. Kim would make an excellent representative for the Bay Area in Sacramento.  

4. Scott Wiener is an historical candidate as he hopes to follow the current representative in district 11, Mark Leno who is queer. If Scott wins, he will be the first “handing off of the baton” to a fellow queer in back-to-back elections in the United States. In other words, San Francisco will continue to be represented by a queer. This is identity politics at its best as I know from direct experience Scott cares deeply about gay and transgender rights. For this reason, all queers in San Francisco should be voting for Scott Wiener as their representative on November 8.

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