Monday, September 19, 2016

Spiritual Engineering and Immortality

The post below was originally posted on my sister blog, Please visit this site for additional information.

Monday, September 19, 2016

Spiritual Engineering and Immortality

In the spiritual engineering of archetypes by beings and energies which inhabit the 5th dimension, we have many thousands of various connections which human beings have made both with these energy centers and other humans. In a rough spiritual way, there is:

1. Individual consciousness—this is the intention and awareness which is directly sourced by God. At the level of the human brain, there is no free will and all human actions are predetermined by the interplay of various players. Of course, this matrix itself is sourced by higher energies or Consciousness. 

2. The tricky thing about “intention” is: whose intention? The astounding truth: As part of a larger matrix, all brains are connected. This implies that there is a storehouse of various qualities and actions which are played out. So we have the strong emotion of outrage. This exists in the 5th dimension, independent of humans. This outrage energy causes a war in which millions die. Did the actors in this play have any freewill or did outrage, an archetype (which is encoded in the brains which are evolutionarily advanced enough to have social rituals and the ability to deceive each other), responsible? And ultimately, it must be that God created or allowed to be created these kind of various “self-autonomous” energy forms to exist and then to co-exist with human beings. 

3. The higher self, located outside the brain but connected to the right hemisphere of the brain, is able to intuit how human beings are being controlled. This insight, when embodied, is called enlightenment. Interestingly, God has provided an escape for humans: By accessing the higher self, we can see through the world of form of humans, and through our presence transform the world!

4. With the dearth of babies being born around the developed world, it appears as though this world is headed for a dystopian future. One would surmise that females have stopped having babies because they know world-wide destruction is upon us anyways—why bother having children when the world is literally going to go to hell in a handbasket? One conspiracy: Donald Trump is elected President of the USA and then unites with his counterpart, Vladmir Putin, starts World War III with the objective to eliminate 90% of the world’s population. 

5. Physical Immortality is the activation of the higher consciousness outside the brain which is simultaneously connected to the brain-body mechanism. How to activate this higher consciousness? Jesus, through his physical resurrection on the third day, showed the way: By shifting one’s consciousness to outside the brain—to the light consciousness—we have access to higher energies. These higher energies include: the Spirit of Truth, Wisdom, the Immortal Will, Forgiveness, Reason, Youthing, Creativity, Faith, Immortal Blessings, the Slayer of Dragons, and the Embodiment of Truth.  

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