Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Aaron Peskin For Mayor and Other Notes

1. Having interviewed and contacted nearly 100 public officials in the past year, I can announce this blog’s pick for Mayor of San Francisco: Aaron Peskin. I believe there will be broad support for his candidacy because:

  1. Peskin is a nice person.
  2. Peskin is a social progressive while being a fiscal conservative. This translates into policies which opens opportunities to a broad range of the population while being careful with the taxpayer’s money.
  3. Peskin is smart, funny, and experienced!
Readers are encouraged to contact Supervisor Peskin and let him know your support for his candidacy: Aaron Peskin - Board of Supervisors.

2. Speculation: When voters elect Clinton for President this coming November the question insiders are posing: Which Clinton? It appears as though Bill is ready to serve his third term as President. Some question whether Hillary has mild dementia based upon her apparent inability to follow the simple guideline that government officials must only use email accounts which are secure and not use their personal email account. Some have gone over her 3-hour interview with the FBI and wonder if she is in sound mind. See: The FBI memo on Hillary Clinton's emails is a must-read - The In any case, I am glad Bill will be there to help out if she needs it.

3. In a tragic-comic celebration, Positive Resource Center (PRC) will be celebrating its takeover of Baker Places this coming October 12, 2016. Although the press release from PRC refers to this as a “merger” of Baker Places with PRC, in fact, this is a complete take over as Baker Places after 52 years in existence will cease to exist as of October 31, 2016. Please visit Positive Resource Center: Welcome for additional information. Tickets prices range from $125 to $1,000: Get your tickets today.

4. In an amazing twist: I was a true believer in Baker Places “social rehabilitation” model in which clients of various populations share apartments and learn to reassess their situation; yet, by my public activism, I assisted in its demise. At any point, all Jonathan Vernick had to do was request a meeting with Masami Endo and me, and we could have resolved the situation; sadly, he played a lot of games. Instead of acknowledging that he had dementia and thus allowing Ms. Endo to replace him, now there is no Baker Places and thus his ploys led to its destruction…

5. Nearly 20,000 San Franciscans lived in tents in the aftermath of the 1906 earthquake (See: 1906 Earthquake: Refugee Camps - Presidio of San Francisco ). Maybe we can return to the past in order to deal with the present-day homeless crisis: The Department of Public Health can survey the streets of San Francisco, map out alleyways and other areas which are not close to businesses or residences and provide all homeless people a tent and mobile bathrooms. This proposal will save the taxpayers of San Francisco over $ 200,000,000 per year while being a model for the rest of the nation to follow!

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