Thursday, September 1, 2016

Brett Andrews, CEO of Positive Resource Center, New Director of Baker Places

According to a press release, Brett Andrews will be the new CEO of the combined organizations of Positive Resource Center, Baker Places, and AIDS Emergency Fund (see:  Frontline eNews– June 21, 2016 ). Jonathan Vernick will be a special adviser to the new group. How will this play out?

Apparently, Barbara Garcia, the director of Public Health, conceived of this merger and compelled the Baker Board of Directors to approve it this past June. While the intended outcome is to provide more quality services to various populations such as those who are HIV+, there is room for skepticism as these sort of mergers take a life of their own. I would conjecture that the Baker Places name will be eliminated after October 31, 2016 when Vernick steps down.

What if the Board of Directors at Positive Resources Center decides to stop the various kinds of supportive housing Baker Places presently provides? The annual budget of $12 million (which is presently allocated to Baker Places) will then be allocated in ways which will not include say, housing support in various apartments. In reality, there was no reason to consolidate if all three are going to fulfill their original mission as the cost savings will likely be minimal.

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