Monday, February 29, 2016

Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!

Note to readers: The post below is a part of my public campaign to stop Jonathan Vernick from abusing clients and employees. You can do your part to stop the abuse by sharing this post via the social media and public officials. Thank you for your support!

Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!


Are you tired of Jonathan Vernick's bullshit? Are you an employee of Baker Places who wants to tell "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself"? Are you a Jonathan Vernick hater?

If so, here's your chance to rid Baker Places of Jonathan Vernick!

 1) Contact Jonathan Vernick directly at 517-6500 and tell him it is time to get the fuck out! Also, you can telephone Baker offices at 415-255-6544 and 415-864-4655. 

2) Contact Vernick’s attorney, a Mike Lee, at 415-788-9000 or email: and tell him his client needs to get the fuck out!

3) Contact your member of the Board of Supervisors at .

If we unite in the "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!" Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Jonathan Vernick to go fuck himself!   

Readers are invited to visit for information exposing Jonathan Vernick. He is a bad actor who has defrauded me out of $200,000, he stands accused of embezzlement, fraud, theft of public funds, forgery, corrupting his employees to engage in unlawful conduct, exposing Baker Places, Incorporation to civil charges which would have defunded Baker, and on and on. It is time for Jonathan Vernick to get the fuck out!

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