Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Letter to San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Please Stop the Abuse!

Note to readers: Below is a draft of a letter I will be delivering to the Board of Supervisors. Readers are encouraged to contact their representative in your district at:  Board of Supervisors : Supervisors Information.

Because this case involves allegations of 25 years of abuse of clients and employees, I ask each reader to prayerfully consider what they can do to help.



February 16, 2016


Dear Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors:  

Due to allegations of abuse by Jonathan Vernick to clients and employees over the past 25 years, I am requesting that you defund Baker Places, Inc. and give its $12 million allotment from the taxpayers to Conard House. 

Over the past month, I have communicated with Barbara A. Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health (DPH) and she has lied  about a public announcement concerning Jonathan Vernick (I have an email from her office) being due by February 15, 2016.  I would be grateful if members could please ask her to put aside possible friendships and alliances and protect the abused from Jonathan Vernick!

I have emails, written statements, and oral statements from former clients and employees who have alleged abuse and I will be happy to share these at your convenience. Please telephone me at 415-865-0734 for additional information.

Copies of this letter will be hand-delivered to Supervisors: London Breed, Aaron Peskin, Mark Farrell and Jane Kim. I will be requesting a following up meeting by February 27, 2016. Thank you for your kind attention.


Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

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