Saturday, February 13, 2016

Readers: Demand Garcia Fire Vernick! Letter being sent to Dept. of Public Health Head

February 13, 2016

Dear Barbara A. Garcia:

In the February 7, 2016 "Jonathan Vernick Fraud Update" (see post on ) I promised I would begin my public campaign anew if your office made no announcement about Jonathan Vernick by February 15, 2016. To honor my promise, I will be returning to meeting with the Board of Supervisors, place "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!" flyers in public and contacting media outlets.

Because this case involves allegations of abuse towards clients and employees for the past 25 years, I expect you to set aside any friendships and prior alliances you may have and dismiss Jonathan Vernick.

If you want to review emails, written accounts, oral statements, the names of former employees who have claimed abuse by Jonathan Vernick, then please telephone me at (415)-865-0734 at your convenience.  Twenty-five years of abuse is enough!


Harry Petersen

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