Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Call for Mayor Lee to Kick Some Ass!

Note to Readers:
The following is an update to the October 5, 2015 letter I sent Mayor Lee. Readers are invited to contact the Honorable Mayor Lee at: Office of the Mayor : Contact the Mayor. Let him know 25 years of abuse is enough!

Also, note that I will check in at the DPH Headquarters at 101 Grove Street, Room 308, this Friday, February 12, 2016 to see about when the announcement in this case will be; I will let readers know as soon as I can.
February 9, 2016
Dear Mayor Lee:
What if you knew you were supporting abuse? Would you do anything about it? As a taxpayer of San Francisco you are supporting abuse by supporting Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places. According to emails and accounts from former clients and employees, I estimate the numbers of abuse victims in this case could run into the 100’s as this abuse has been going on for over 25 years! Thus, as I call upon you again as I did in my October 5, 2015 letter for your kind assistance.
I would be grateful if you would put in a good word to Barbara A. Garcia, the Director of Public Health, and let her know that San Franciscan values includes the basic rights of human beings to be treated with respect. On my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com , I highlight some info about Jonathan Vernick:
* The $12 million the City gives Baker Places is linked with the investments of the real estate speculator, Pablo Tisker.
* Employees at Baker were forced to engage in illegals evictions at 54-56 Francis Street.

* Vernick has lost over $825,000 of the taxpayer’s money in 2014 (see IRS form 990).
Here's how you can help:
Let's set about defunding Baker Places and giving the $12 million to Conard House to administer. This will be a public lesson to future bad actors that the Mayor of the City knows how to kick ass when someone screws up!

Twenty-five years of abuse is enough! Thank you for your kind intervention.
Sincerely Yours,
Harry Petersen

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