Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Workers of Baker Places rise up against the tyranny of Jonathan Vernick! All you have to lose is your Chains!

On this election day, I invite the workers of Baker Places to join in the revolutionary spirit of 1776 in which the original fighters of the United States stood up to the abuses of King George III! Refuse to be disrespected! Refuse to be treated as the slaves of Jonathan Vernick! Stand up to tyranny and declare your own “Declaration of Independence!”

As members of the Local Union 1021 SEUI, join forces and demand the removal of Jonathan Vernick! Be Brave! Just as the United States is about to end the male-domination of the presidency in the election of Hillary Clinton, so you can end the male-domination of Baker Places by demanding a female executive director!

Enter the 21st century by ending the reign of terror of Jonathan Vernick! All you have to lose is your chains!!!


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