Monday, November 16, 2015

Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself! Campaign

November 16, 2015

Note to my readers: I have started a new public campaign called "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!"  This consists of flyers along with a business card which I am presently posting in public areas such as stop lights poles, stores, libraries and the like. I invite readers to share my post of November 15, 2015 via the social media.

One of the purposes of this public campaign is for Baker Places employees to demand your executive directors immediate removal--do you not realize the Fancher Larson used me to fuck him over and was going to defund Baker (see November 10, 2015 post on this blog)? To Baker employees: If you fail to tell Jonathan Vernick to go fuck himself and get the fuck out, I will be forced to go the media about this case. In the opinion of legal advisers, this will have negative consequences for you. Please note: I have nothing to lose since I have already accepted the likelihood of my being evicted at some point and have made plans for this eventuality. Employees via their union (or otherwise) should go to the media or authorities about this case. (The Baker Board is corrupted and is therefore is responsible if/when Baker is defunded.)

I remain amazed at all the things Vernick has gotten away with in this case: Signing a document (April 9, 2015) which could have resulted in Baker's defunding, unlawful evictions, corrupting his employees to engage in unethical and unlawful conduct, committing forgery, corrupting the representatives at Clients' rights group at 1663 Mission to do his bidding, refusal to honor his word by keeping to the agreement made on January 27, 2015, lying which appears to be pathological, and on and on and on...

If any Baker employee is reading this, please send me an anonymous email ( about any info you choose to share. Thank you.

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