Sunday, November 1, 2015

Info sheet for public distribution about the Jonathan Vernick fraud case

To my dedicated readers: Below is a copy of the "info sheet" which I am distributing both online and for public distribution. Please feel free to share in any way you choose. Thank you for your help. 

Contact: Harry Petersen

November 1, 2015

What if you knew you were supporting fraud? Would you do something about it? As a taxpayer of San Francisco you are supporting fraud by funding the nonprofit, Baker Places, in which the Executive Director, Jonathan Vernick, committed fraud of $200,000 against me by unlawfully evicting me.

This nonprofit has been badly managed by Jonathan Vernick as he lost over $800,000 in 2014 of the public’s money (see 2013-2014 IRS form 990); he has memory loss consistent with dementia; he has engaged in unethical and illegal conduct including fraud, unlawful evictions, forgery, and so forth (documents supporting these claims are available at

The paradox is this: while Baker Places administers about 10 different programs designed to help populations in need of housing such as HIV+ individuals, it is being badly managed by a man who is about 65-years old whose brain is no longer functioning at its optimal performance. It is time for Jonathan Vernick to retire and find a suitable replacement by the end of the year.

What you can do to help:

  • Contact your member of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco at and ask that Baker Places be defunded if Jonathan Vernick does not retire by the end of the year.
  • Contact Baker Places at or 415-864-4655 and ask that the Baker Places Board find a replacement for Jonathan Vernick.

  • If you are an attorney or know an attorney who would like to file an affirmative lawsuit against Jonathan Vernick for fraud, then email me or telephone me at (415)-865-0734.

  • Please share any information about this case with others via the social media.

 I am very grateful for all the support I have received since my blog has started on September 18, 2015. Many thanks for any help as by removing Jonathan Vernick we can allow Baker Places to continue to be funded.

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