Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Note to Jonathan Vernick: Fancher Larson Fucked You!

November 10, 2015
Note to Vernick: Fancher Fucked you! 

Dear Jonathan:
I believe you have the right to know the truth of what happened behind the scenes between Fancher Larson of Clients Rights’ Group at 1663 Mission and me.
Here’s what happened:
On April 10, 2015 she informed me she was about to file fraud charges against Baker and fuck you over! This was based upon the fact that the April 9, 2015 letter (which I assume either she or an attorney for the group wrote) was worded to have you say that you engaged in a real estate exchange with me.
In the April 9, 2015 letter it reads:
“We appreciate and acknowledge that in February 2015 you agreed to voluntarily vacate the non-conforming in law unit at 56 Francis Street in exchange for Baker providing you a rent stabilized conforming housing unit at 337 Fulton Street”.
This would be, according to her, civil fraud, since by the “Stature of Frauds” laws a written contract was required in any real estate transaction and you admitted to a real estate exchange as noted above.
Note in addition, the wording states that you gave me a “non-conforming in law unit”; I had no idea what this meant until attorneys told me you just admitted in writing to having provided me a an illegal unit! This would be cause for damages according to the attorneys.  
At this point, I became very fearful! Larson informed me I would become homeless; apparently she because of my background, she was going to fuck me over, too!
This fear is what caused me to agree to the April 9, 2015 and March 31, 2015 letters. Baker Places, would be defunded! It’s fairly obvious that she was using me to fuck you over. She had intended to have me go with her to an attorney sometime around April 13, 2015 and use me as her pawn to file charges against Baker.  
I think you should also know:

* She told me how the March 31, 2015 letter had been forged and made me compare that letter’s signature to the April 9, 2015 letter. I compared the signatures of Nick Lederer on both and could see that it was possible.
 * She told me you have significant memory loss and although she never used the term  “dementia,"  her description of your brain state indicated that.
* She also told me several times (in our many meetings between January 27, 2015 and May 18, 2015) that you were a con artist.

 * She showed me emails you had written in which you had set up a father-little boy relationship with me and this is how you were manipulating me.

 I also believe (only you would know) she convinced you to respond to my “Master Agreement” of July 3, 2015 in the way you did. She knew I would go to the media because she snatched a letter out of my hand on April 10, 2015 (which was meant only to be a rough draft) of my revealing my diagnosis and accusing you of fraud to the San Francisco Chronicle (and other news outlets). Please note that my THC use probably affected my cognitive functions to compose such a draft.
So Fancher probably knew that when you threaten me in the July 21, 2015 that I would go public. I think she again wanted to fuck both of us over—again! In my view, I think she has likely engineered the entire public confrontation between you and me.

I writing this and doing so publicly because I really would like to end my public campaign before it goes to the larger media. When it does I am convinced Baker Places, Incorporated will be defunded! Please note that I have little to lose since I figure I am going to be evicted anyways; however, both you and your employees will be out on the street and everyone will blame me!
So let’s end it! Have your attorney, Mr. Lee, send me a contract. In return, I will stop my campaign and if there are genuine gestures of peace, I will take my blog down. To be honest, I thought you would have a banquet in my honor after selling the building on February 12, 2015!
To the employees at Baker: I do not want to have Baker defunded. Please contact your executive director and tell him we need to stop this fighting! We all know that he is very stubborn and always want to be seen in control—but with me putting up posters in public and writing this blog, it quite obvious he is not in control!
Because Fancher was able to deceive him so easily, I think he really does need to resign (among many other reasons).

Sincerely Yours,




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