Friday, June 30, 2017

Readers: Please Help to Rid San Francisco of Jonathan Vernick!

June 30, 2017
Dear Readers:

Thank you for the outpouring of support in the past two weeks! We have two full weeks--until July 13 , 2017-- to rid San Francisco of Jonathan Vernick and to defund Baker Places. Here are some suggestions of how you might help:
1. Share posts on this blog with others—This will help out Baker Places employees whose office building at 120 Page Street is in the process of being sold. According to one employee whom I interviewed a few weeks back, employees will be forced to work out of a woodshed-like structure on 3rd street. Clearly, this is unacceptable. Please note that this property known as West Side Lodge was donated to Baker Places to house populations such as those who are HIV+. In my view, for Vernick to sell this building--valued at over $3 million--constitutes theft of public funds.

2. Contact Mayor Lee at  Contact Mayor Edwin M. Lee | Office of the Mayor. My impression of Mayor Lee: He is an honest man surrounded by a den of thieves. If we can appeal to his sense of public pride, then he might be willing to defund Baker Places. Please note that I offered a plan on May 27, 2017 post, "Editorial: It's Time To Defund Baker Places!"  (See: Editorial: It’s Time To Defund Baker Places!) which I cite below:

" Thus, I will request the Supervisors ( to defund Baker Places. To implement this plan I propose:

1. The 20 apartments Baker Places oversees can be given to “Community Housing Partnership." This nonprofit already has proved it can house various populations. See: Home - Community Housing PartnershipCommunity Housing ...

2. The employees who are under contract with local 1021 SEIU will continue to keep their jobs. The existing contract will remain in force with the only change being that they will work for Community Housing Partnership. 

3. Baker Places will lose its entire $12 million allotment for the Department of Public Health as their contract with the City is eliminated. 
4. The Department of Public Health will give new contracts to various nonprofits to oversee such programs as the “Joe Healy Detox” Center."

3. Contact the Supervisors at This case intersects with public corruption, theft of the taxpayer’s funds, and the hidden control of nonprofits. From what I have been able to deduce, Vernick is part of a conglomerate of a dozen or so nonprofits. These include: Golden Gate Senior Services, Haight Ashbury Free Clincs, Positive Resource Center, AIDS Emergence Fund, and Baker Places. I could name several other nonprofits to this list but lack sufficient proof to do so. I suspect these nonprofits—which are funded by the the taxpayers of San Francisco are a corrupt enterprise: They control the Supervisors by offering various services in each Supervisor’s district. This is why resolving the present mess is so difficult: These nonprofits network together and thus exert an enormous influence. It is interesting: These nonprofits are funded by the taxpayers and then turn around and use their funding to control the political process. 

4. Contact the District Attorney George Gascón: San Francisco District Attorney's It is quite clear that there are sufficient grounds to bring criminal charges against Barbara Garcia: In 2014 she was informed about mismanagement of funds at Baker Places; She did not inform the public about this; She allowed a donated property which housed 10 clients to be sold. By engaging in these actions, Barbara Garcia is a party to a crime. See Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia posted on this blog on June 5, 2017.  

5. Post flyers in public—“Robust speech is the best antidote to corruption.” While communicating online is great, it also good to publicly share one’s views. This is what  Free Speech and the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is about: Speech which challenges the status quo and thus opens the possibility that transformations in our society might occur. 

6. Brainstorming Other Ideas:

* Baker Places employees should rise up and unite! Resist obeying the dictates of your leader! For once, just say “No!”

* The Grand Jury might want to investigate this case.

* The media might want to cover this case. If you have contacts in the media, then it would be great to encourage reporters and investigators to pursue this case.

I wish to thank all my readers for your support in the past two years. Please do what you can to rid San Francisco of Jonathan Vernick and to defund Baker Places.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Barbara Garcia--Go Fuck Yourself!

Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself!

Readers: Please contact the San Francisco Board of Supervisors at ; Mayor Lee at  Contact Mayor Edwin M. Lee | Office of the Mayor; also, please contact the District Attorney's office at San Francisco District Attorney's.

  • On June 5, 2017, there was a request for a criminal indictment for Barbara Garcia’s involvement in public corruption (See: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia ). In 2014, she was notified that the CFO of Baker Places, Judith Stevenson, had embezzled $3.4 million from Baker Places over a ten-year period. When Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health, was notified of this theft of public funds, she did not alert the taxpayers of San Francisco nor did she inform the San Francisco Board of Supervisors (See letter sent to Supervisors: Supervisors: For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…). 
  • Barbara Garcia allowed Jonathan Vernick, the director of Baker Places, to remain in this position. Over the 7-year period of Garcia’s tenure—from 2010 to 2017—Baker Places has lost over $2 million of the taxpayer’s money. Please see IRS 990s which nonprofits file as proof. Note that Baker Places receives an allotment of $12 million annually  from  the DPH.
  •  Please note that as of June 5, 2017 Vernick is presently illegally selling its office building at 120 Page Street to cover the theft of $3.4 million. Also, note this building known as West Side Lodge was donated to Baker Places by the City of San Francisco to house population such as those who are HIV+.

If we unite in the Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Barbara Garcia to go fuck herself!


Monday, June 12, 2017

My Assessment of Jonathan Vernick After 2 Years

1. Jonathan Vernick is a world-class hypnotist. He specializes in hypnotizing individuals against their will to do his bidding. His level of expertise is at a counterintelligence level. The public should be alerted: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

2. Jonathan Vernick is some kind of non-human entity. I know this because he can control his subjects via intention when they repeat an implanted phrase. Oddly enough, Jonathan Vernick’s usual phrase is for someone to speak the words “Jonathan Vernick” aloud in his presence. If he ever were a human being, he is not today. If there is a hell for these creatures, then Vernick will be going there to burn forever.

3. From the first two claims, there follows two other lemmas or theorems:
a. Psychopath—Since Vernick is some kind of demonic being, it would follow that he has no regard for the rights of human beings.
b. Bully—Vernick loves to control people and manipulate them. He likes to hurt people.

4. Vernick has early-stage dementia—This is clear from my interactions from January 27, 2015 to February 24, 2015 and on June 15, 2016. He forgets what he said or did a few days earlier. When you try to correct what he is saying, he becomes a bully and denies saying it. It looks like the demonic host will be leaving his body in due course as it is my understanding this condition is progressive and will become worse with each passing year. Note: Dementia affects both memory and judgment. If my claim is true, then he will continue to use poor judgment in his actions.

5. Jonathan Vernick is a party guy. I think he likes nothing more than going to a party, interacting with various players, getting drunk or high. Although his orientation is primarily homosexual, even nearing 80-years of age he can charm the ladies.

6. Vernick’s core intelligence or IQ is around 120---which is the IQ level of attorneys'. Before he develop dementia a few years ago, I have been told by people who saw him in action that no one in the world could outplay him!
Conclusion: Jonathan Vernick is not a human being. He is a world-class hypnotist who controls people against their will. To repeat the warning above: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Mayor Lee: Fire Barbara Garcia!

Readers: Please contact Mayor Lee at: Contact Mayor Edwin M. Lee | Office of the Mayor and request that he fire Barbara Garcia.
June 8, 2017
Dear Mayor Lee:

I am writing to you to request that you fire one of your employees, Barbara Garcia, the Director of Public Health. According to a request for a criminal indictment with the district attorney’s office (see: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia ), Ms. Garcia has allowed the taxpayer’s funds to be mismanaged.

According to the criminal indictment, in 2014 the CFO at Baker Places, Judith Stevenson, had embezzled an estimated $3.4 million over a ten-year period. When Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, was notified of this theft of public funds (Baker Places receives nearly all of its annual allotment of $12 million from DPH) he covered it up and did not duly notify either the police or the public. By late 2014, Ms. Garcia had been notified of the theft of public funds and she also covered it up. An attorney stated that this act combined with subsequent acts constitutes grounds for Barbara Garcia to be criminally charged with the violation of public corruption statures.

In addition, in an interview on April 7, 2016 with Tom Mesa, (see: Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health ), an employee of DPH, Mr. Mesa acknowledged that there has been mismanagement of taxpayer’s funds at Baker Places. Mr. Mesa indicated that there was a long-standing “cat-and-mouse” game between Jonathan Vernick and DPH such that Vernick would be caught mismanaging public funds and then be put on a “payback” installment plan to cover his theft. Then shortly after this, Vernick would be caught again mismanaging public funds, only to be put on new “payback” installment plan to cover the latest theft.

Please note that during the 7 years of Barbara Garcia’s tenure, from 2010-2017, Baker Places has lost over $2 million per IRS 999s, which nonprofits file each year. Staff at your office can verify this claim by going to Clearly, Ms. Garcia has shown she has poor oversight of the taxpayer’s money. [Readers: See: Baker Places Inc - GuideStar Profile].

The last time Baker Places was audited by the Controller’s Office was in 2008. Ben Rosenfield, the Controller, directed the audit which you can view at:


His findings included that Baker Places had mismanage funds. For example, in the "Highlight" section on page 2, he states  Baker Places "miscategorized expenditures in more than half of the cost reimbursement invoices we selected for review."
Sadly, things at Baker have not improved in the past 9 years; in fact, I believe the mismanagement of public funds have gotten worse.
Because the mismanage of public funds at Baker Places has been going on for many years and because it appears to involve all officials in upper management such as Nick Lederer, the CEO of Baker Places, I am recommending that you: 1) Request in your upcoming budget due June 30, 2017 that Baker Places be defunded and 2) You contact your City Attorney, Dennis Herrara, and ask him for legal advice on how to proceed. [ Readers: See: Home - City Attorney of San Francisco.]

Based upon the foregoing evidence, I respectfully request that you fire Barbara Garcia. I will be posing this letter on and asking my readers to contact you. While I realize that you are presently working with the Supervisors on a $10.1 billion budget and that the theft of $3.4 million is only a small fraction of this sum, as public servants one is required to make sure every penny counts. Thank you for your kind attention to this matter. In passing, I want to praise you for your insightful observations at the “Walk to Work” Day, conducted this past April 6, 2017 which I attended (See: Celebrate Walk to Work Day This Thursday | SFMTA - San Francisco ... ) in which you encouraged all City employees to walk to work. Please contact me at if I can be of further service.

Sincerely Yours, 

Harry Petersen


Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Supervisors: For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…

Note to Readers: This is a copy of a letter that I am sending to members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Please contact them and demand Baker Places be defunded:  Thank you for your assistance.

June 7, 2017

Dear Supervisors: 
Jonathan Vernick as of June 7, 2017 is in the process of illegally selling a building donated by the City several decades ago to house various populations. In recent years, 120 Page Street has been converted into apartments which are rented out and also doubles as the office space for the employees of Baker Places. Apparently, Vernick  is being forced to sell this building to pay off the embezzlement of Baker’s former CFO, Judith Stevenson in 2014, estimated at $3.4 million over a ten-year period. When Vernick was alerted to this theft he covered it up; also, late in 2014 Barbara Garcia was notified of Ms. Stevenson’s theft and in response allowed Jonathan Vernick to remain in his position.

An attorney has recommended the following charges: Barbara Garcia should be criminally charged with public corruption; both Jonathan Vernick and Judith Stevenson should be criminally charged with embezzlement; also, Jonathan Vernick should be charged for what appears to be theft of public funds. Please see my previous post, Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia .  
Jonathan Vernick is out of control:
* Vernick has release two press releases announcing his retirement: On October 31, 2016 and March 31, 2017. See:

  1) Press Release | Baker Places - San Francisco --In this press release, dated June 20, 2016 Jonathan Vernick agrees to step down by October 31, 2016.
2) [PDF]Jonathan Vernick Steps Down as Executive Director ... - San Francisco--In this press release, dated March 29, 2017 Jonathan Vernick agrees to step down by March 31, 2017.
Note that these press releases are all lies as Vernick remains as the executive of Baker Places. 
* Vernick has corrupted Barbara Garcia to such an extent that he thinks he can publicly disrespect her and get away with it. It appears as though some kind of blackmail or other “offer” has kept Garcia from firing Vernick. In any case, Garcia has no control over him and thus Barbara Garcia needs to be dismissed immediately. 
* Vernick has disrespected the gay community in San Francisco by informing the gay press that Brett Andrews would be the new CEO of Baker Places. Sadly, it appears as though Mr. Andrews has been used as a pawn in one of Mr. Vernick’s ploys.
* Vernick has further disrespected the gay community in San Francisco by withdrawing Baker Places’ funding for the “Castro Country Club,” one of the nation’s first clean and sober communities. Note that historically, this 12-step community, presently located at 18th and Castro, was the crown jewel of Baker Places. [Side note: Castro Country Club was recently funded by another nonprofit.] 

The list goes on. This man needs to be stopped! For the love of humanity, I implore you to defund Baker Places…

Monday, June 5, 2017

Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia

Update on August 28, 2017: I have sent a new criminal indictment to the District Attorney's office. See: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia . After conferring with a second attorney, we agreed that based upon the documents provided that there are insufficient grounds to charge Judith Stevenson with criminal offenses. However, we both agree that it is likely that investigators will find supporting evidence to bring charges against her if they look.

June 5, 2017

Dear District Attorney George Gascón:

I am requesting that you bring criminal charges against: Jonathan Vernick, Judith Stevenson, and Barbara Garcia. In a recent interview with a Baker Places employee, I was given the following information supported with documents:

*In 2014 Judith Stevenson, then the chief Financial Officer at Baker Places, Incorporated (hereafter “Baker Places” or “Baker”) was caught embezzling funds from Baker Places. It is estimated that over the more than 10 years she acted as the CFO she stole $3.4 million. This is based on the 990s nonprofits file with the IRS. A source for these public record is

*When Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, was notified of the embezzlement at Baker, he along with others such as Nick Lederer, the CEO of Baker Places, covered it up. They did not notified the police or the public. However, officials at the Department of Public Health, including Barbara Garcia and Tom Mesa were informed of the theft of public funds. This is public funds since nearly all of Baker’s $12 Million annual allotment comes from DPH. 

 * Nick Lederer, the CEO was notified of the situation via registered mail in April 2015 and did nothing.

 * Barbara Garcia was informed of Ms. Stevenson’s theft by late 2014. In addition, Tom Mesa was informed by 2015.

 *To pay the IRS $825,000 in back taxes, Jonathan Vernick had 10 clients illegally evicted from 54-56 Francis Street. Then he sold the property on February 15, 2015 and paid nearly $800,000 to the IRS on the same day (See IRS 990 form for 2013-2014 fiscal years). This was theft of public funds since this property had been donated by the Mayor’s Office on Housing and Development to house populations such as those who are HIV +.

 * This employee was unsure if Barbara Garcia had approved of the sale of the property at 54-56 Francis Street, but provided evidence that she did know about the embezzlement by Ms. Stevenson.

 * As of today, June 5, 2017, Jonathan Vernick is illegally selling the Baker Places’ office building to pay off the $3.4 million which was stolen by Ms. Stevenson. This building at 120 Page Street has been home to Baker for decades. Please note this building was donated to Baker Places to house various populations such as those who are HIV+. Employees will now have to be relocated to a woodshed-like structure on third street.

* To understand the real estate transactions, it was recommended that Pablo Tisker of Bernstein Realty be contacted. Apparently, he has ties to Baker Places property. See:

 I will be posting this letter on my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot. [note: all links in this letter can be found in the June 5, 2017 post] and asking readers to contact you. While I am not a legal scholar, I spoke with an attorney on a pro bono basis and he advised me that there are grounds to charge  both Judith Stevenson and Jonathan Vernick with embezzlement; also, there appears to be grounds to charge Mr. Vernick with theft of public funds. Also, the attorney indicated that Barbara Garcia should be charged with public corruption offenses with your office.

It will be a pleasure to speak with one of your investigators and provide him or her with additional information. Please contact me at to set up an interview. Also, an investigator might visit Financial Documents and Information Prepared for Tom Mesa, a Representative of the Department of Public Health and note that at the end of this document I provide 9 contact numbers which might be able to provide leads.  Thank you for your kind attention to this matter.

 Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

Note to readers: Please contact the District Attorney's office at San Francisco District Attorney's.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Warning To Readers: Save any posts you like--NOW

Warning to readers:

I would strongly advise you to save or archive any posts on this blog which may have value for you. In the case of a crash I have set up a mirror site on word press. com and in addition I am archiving the posts. Thank you for your kind attention.