Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Jonathan Vernick Is Still At Baker Places!

Background: Jonathan Vernick was to resign from Baker Places, Inc. by March 31, 2017 according to the following press release issue: PDF]Jonathan Vernick Steps Down as Executive Director ... - San Francisco

Vernick retirement plans were reported in the local press such as the Castro Courier in its April 2017 new briefs with the title, “Former executive director leaves post after 34 years.” See: News Briefs - Castro Courier.

Also, in an April issue of Bay Area Reporter it was reported that Brett Andrews would be taking over both Baker Places and Positive Resources Center, thereby earning a pay increase. See: Nonprofit execs say results weigh more than pay - Bay Area Reporter.

Present: Jonathan Vernick has not left Baker Places as his site clearly indicates he is the Executive Director under the "Our Leadership" column. Please note that he has refused to remove his name from the site after being requested to do so. Moreover, there have been reports that he remains at Baker Places. See: Baker Places: Residential Treatment Centers .       

What You Can Do:
1) Please contact your member of the Board of Supervisors at: and demand that Jonathan Vernick be removed from Baker Places.

2) Contact Barbara Garcia, the Director of Public Health, and tell her that Jonathan Vernick has refused to leave as he agreed to:

3) Let the local press know that Jonathan Vernick lied to them and to the public. In particular, please let the reporters at Castro Courier and Bay Area Reporter know that they have falsely reported that Vernick would leave at the end of March 2017.

5) For more background info on this case, please see:  Historic Jonathan Vernick Post: Resources for Action!

Thanks to all readers who support the most vulnerable among us by having Jonathan Vernick removed from Baker Places. Please email me at if I can be of further help. Thank you!

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