Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Who Would You Like as the New Executive Director of Baker Places?” Vote Now!

Welcome to the third “Who would you like as the new executive director of Baker Places?” contest . The last election ended March 31, 2017 with no qualified candidates selected. So the election is being held anew. The rules are the same as last time:

1. List three traits you think are important for the CEO of a nonprofit to have and list these in your reply to the director of Public Health, Barbara Garcia :barbara.garcia@sfdph.org. 

A. Trustworthy—This is someone who is honest and follows through with his commitments.

B. Experienced—This is someone who knows how a nonprofit operates and works well with others.

C. Wisdom—This quality will allow one to see the higher values which are at stake and allow one to act with honor.

2. Only 1 vote per person.

3. The deadline for all votes is June 2, 2017, 5:00 P.M.

4. The announcement of the new Executive Director of Baker Places will be made by the Department of Public Health by June 5, 2017.   

Last year, I voted for Masami Endo, a long-term case manager for Baker Places. This year, however, I am voting for Jesse Ponce as he builds rapport with a diverse population. There have been many excellent reports about the extra help he gives clients. Who would you like to be the new Director of Baker? If you are qualified, why not send in your resume to Barbara Garcia?

Please cast your vote NOW by emailing Barbara Garcia at


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