Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Reply to Reader: How Jonathan Vernick has stolen an estimated $100 million

Can any one please send me any evidence you have on this guys unlawful embezzling of government funds so I may turn him in under whistleblower stutes, collect the reward from doing so, get my name in the paper, and all while helping my fellow San Franciscans in need? I mean if no one else is going to do it, then please let me. I'm hungry and angry enough to turn in a corrupt fat cat who makes finding affordable rent harder in this town! Honestvalu@gmail.com. please send.

Dear Honest Value:

Thank you for sharing your insights.  The facts of the matter are clear:

1) The property at 54-56 Francis Street was donated to Baker Places, Inc. in order to house populations such as those who are HIV +.

2) This property was sold on February 12, 2015 in order to pay back taxes to the IRS of $825,000.

3) Ten clients were illegally evicted from this property.

4) The 2008 audit report indicated that Baker Places has a pattern of having "cash flow" problems and then selling property to make up the deficit.

5) Several other sources indicate that Jonathan Vernick has mixed his property holdings (which is a private corporation) with Baker Places funds (which is a nonprofit funded by the taxpayers at $12 million per year). Note see: Jonathan Vernick Et Al v. Mynette Boykin :: Superior Court of ...for background info on Jonathan Vernick's private holding corporation.

6) A private investigator estimated Baker Places has bought and sold properties worth $100 million over the past 25 years.

7) Because the "Jonathan Vernick holding, LLC" (a private holding company) is intertwined with Baker Places holdings, I have estimated theft of public funds at $100 millions.

If you need additional information, please contact me at safeway7354@gmail.com. Please do file a whistleblower suit; let me know if you need additional documents.

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