Monday, July 18, 2016

Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!

Readers: Google “Jonathan Vernick”  or Google "Defund Baker Places";  Also, visit my blog at for additional information. Contact your member of the Board of Supervisors at  and demand Baker Places be defunded.

  • Jonathan Vernick as the CEO of a nonprofit funded by the taxpayers at $12 million annually has allegedly stolen $100 million by selling donated properties. These properties were given to Baker Places by the Mayor’s Office of Housing to house populations such as those who are HIV+.  See San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Defund Baker Places—Now! posted on June 22, 2016.

  • The Baker Board heard public testimony on June 15, 2016 about Jonathan Vernick’s abuses towards clients and employees for the past 25 years and has failed to act. Presently, the following board members are charged with “crimes against humanity” for supporting his abuse: Nick Lederer, Corey Busch, Jonathan Vernick, Jo Ruffin and Michael Harrington.

  • According to a private investigator (see Stop this Bullshit--Jonathan Vernick has dementia!  posted on June 27, 2016) Jonathan Vernick has early-stage dementia. This has been confirmed by 3 Baker Places employees and by direct observations on June 15, 2016.  
If we unite in the "Jonathan Vernick--Go Fuck Yourself!" Movement we can achieve together what we cannot do alone. So be part of a worthy cause and do a good deed today by telling Jonathan Vernick to go fuck himself! 

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