Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jonathan Vernick Fraud Update!

Note to Readers: This feature of this blog began after September 2, 2015 when I filed embezzlement and fraud charges against Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, with the San Francisco Police Department.  In it, I offer the reader a review of the present situation, assessments, plans, and encourage reader direct involvement with protecting the most vulnerable from abuse.


1) The present situation: I attended a Baker Places Board meeting on June 15, 2016 (see notes of meeting posted June 17, 2016) and the Board showed by their inaction that they support Jonathan Vernick's lying, abuse towards clients and employees, and the theft of public funds. I am presently charging the following with "crimes against humanity" for supporting his abuse of potentially 1000s in his nearly 30 year reign of terror: Nick Lederer, Corey Busch, Jonathan Vernick, Jo Ruffin, and Michael Harrington.


2) After the Baker Board meeting, I recapped the meeting with a guest who was present. One point which stuck in my mind: The constant lying of Jonathan Vernick and everyone (to my knowledge) surrounding him has the Spirit of Lying. I was dismayed, ( but should not have been surprised) , when a public official denied that Tom Mesa has called Jonathan Vernick a "bully" when she was present and because of the multiple lines of evidence (emails, contemporaneous notes, a telephone conversation) there is no doubt that this was said. Correction: In my notes, it is unclear the amount of money Vernick mismanaged through a system of billing medical through a statistical method of estimating the number of client contacts (instead of specifying each contact with a date and names); because a reference had been made to $800,000+ in my notes, I inferred this was the sum Mr. Mesa was referring to; in fact, he did not specify the amount.


3) My goal is to arrive at the truth. As an imperfect human being, there is no doubt that I deceive myself and others. However, we must strive to reach higher ideals. In my case, I believe that the higher value of truth is foundational in all relationship with others (as noted in a previous post, "Love Unites Us!" [see June 13, 2016 post], love is the foundation of our connection with others and the Transcendent). So when someone is constantly lying we have the root of many other misdeeds: deceit, corruption, fraud, and so forth. 

4) I will be asking the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to defund Baker Places, Incorporated. In addition, I will start posting flyers in public, asking for the public assistance in asking the Board to defund Baker. Somehow, it seems as though there is some wall of silence concerning abuse of clients. These are human beings! We are morally obligated to speak up for those who are being abused!

5) Please note: In the meeting on June 15, 2016 Jonathan Vernick displayed clear signs of dementia: Losing his keys at the end of the meeting (which kept guests waiting for about 7 minutes while the Board held an impromptu meeting), being confused about how to exit his own building, writing an agenda for the meeting which frankly appeared to be the work of an 8th grade student (e.g., omissions of names, lack of any details). These observations confirm what three employees have told me about Vernick: He has had early-stage dementia for several years. Obviously, it's time for him to leave.


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