Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Reporter's Odds and Ends

1) I wish to praise Scott Wiener for his organizing the “Love Unites Us!” (see June 13, 2016 post) gathering in which 10,000’s marched shoulder-to-shoulder from Castro and Market to City Hall in response to the massacre of 49 people in Orlando. According to his campaign officials (who I contacted yesterday), he accomplished this feat within 12 hours by making numerous telephone calls. Please note: this is not a political endorsement as I think Jane Kim would make an excellent Bay Area representative in the state senate; instead, when politicians transcend politics, they should be commended!

2) This week over 70 Bay Area media outlets are united in their coverage of the homelessness crisis. The “SF Homeless Project” appears to view this social issue as intractable and calling for multiple solutions. This is nonsense! The solution to homelessness (as well as many other social problems) was solved in the 1960s with the “guaranteed income model.” It’s straightforward: a) All United States citizens receive a $2,000 monthly check from the federal government (no means testing), b) A financial adviser is assigned to each recipient c) Homelessness is declared illegal (since it is harmful to yourself and/or to others) and the adviser will see that a housing voucher is provided. Readers can see my post, "A solution to solve the homelessness problem and other social ills,” posted on March 17, 2016 on this blog. 

3) According to a private investigator (see “Editorial: Has Jonathan Vernick stolen $100 million from the taxpayers of San Francisco ?” posted on June 5, 2016 on this blog), Jonathan Vernick has a nonhuman entity in his brain which allows him to control other people’s minds. Allegedly, he can even control other people’s voices and make them say what he wants them to say. Readers are invited to read texts written by Scott Peck (B.A. from Harvard and a doctorate from Case Western Reserve University): a) The People of The Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil and b) The Devil: A Psychiatrist’s Personal Account of Possession (case studies of demonic possession) for additional insights. From direct observations from January 2015, February 2015 and on June 15, 2016, I can confirm that Jonathan Vernick is demonically possessed. The public should be alerted: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

4) While I concur with Tom Mesa, a representative of the Department of Public Health, statement that Jonathan Vernick is a “bully” (statement made in an interview on April 7, 2016), it needs to be noted that because Vernick has dementia (see “Stop this Bullshit—Jonathan Vernick has dementia!” posted on June 27, 2016) he has poor recall of what he has said or done before. In addition, his dementia causes him to have poor judgment; thus, his various games and ploys can be seen through by those who are sufficiently bright. 

5) I wish all my readers a joyous Independence Day! Perhaps you can take a few minutes and read our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, agreed to by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Note that Thomas Jefferson said,“The Tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” (November 13, 1787).  Maybe this country needs a second revolution. Remember: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” 

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