Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Reporter's Odds and Ends

1) I wish to praise Scott Wiener for his organizing the “Love Unites Us!” (see June 13, 2016 post) gathering in which 10,000’s marched shoulder-to-shoulder from Castro and Market to City Hall in response to the massacre of 49 people in Orlando. According to his campaign officials (who I contacted yesterday), he accomplished this feat within 12 hours by making numerous telephone calls. Please note: this is not a political endorsement as I think Jane Kim would make an excellent Bay Area representative in the state senate; instead, when politicians transcend politics, they should be commended!

2) This week over 70 Bay Area media outlets are united in their coverage of the homelessness crisis. The “SF Homeless Project” appears to view this social issue as intractable and calling for multiple solutions. This is nonsense! The solution to homelessness (as well as many other social problems) was solved in the 1960s with the “guaranteed income model.” It’s straightforward: a) All United States citizens receive a $2,000 monthly check from the federal government (no means testing), b) A financial adviser is assigned to each recipient c) Homelessness is declared illegal (since it is harmful to yourself and/or to others) and the adviser will see that a housing voucher is provided. Readers can see my post, "A solution to solve the homelessness problem and other social ills,” posted on March 17, 2016 on this blog. 

3) According to a private investigator (see “Editorial: Has Jonathan Vernick stolen $100 million from the taxpayers of San Francisco ?” posted on June 5, 2016 on this blog), Jonathan Vernick has a nonhuman entity in his brain which allows him to control other people’s minds. Allegedly, he can even control other people’s voices and make them say what he wants them to say. Readers are invited to read texts written by Scott Peck (B.A. from Harvard and a doctorate from Case Western Reserve University): a) The People of The Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil and b) The Devil: A Psychiatrist’s Personal Account of Possession (case studies of demonic possession) for additional insights. From direct observations from January 2015, February 2015 and on June 15, 2016, I can confirm that Jonathan Vernick is demonically possessed. The public should be alerted: Jonathan Vernick is extremely dangerous and evil!

4) While I concur with Tom Mesa, a representative of the Department of Public Health, statement that Jonathan Vernick is a “bully” (statement made in an interview on April 7, 2016), it needs to be noted that because Vernick has dementia (see “Stop this Bullshit—Jonathan Vernick has dementia!” posted on June 27, 2016) he has poor recall of what he has said or done before. In addition, his dementia causes him to have poor judgment; thus, his various games and ploys can be seen through by those who are sufficiently bright. 

5) I wish all my readers a joyous Independence Day! Perhaps you can take a few minutes and read our founding document, the Declaration of Independence, agreed to by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. Note that Thomas Jefferson said,“The Tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants” (November 13, 1787).  Maybe this country needs a second revolution. Remember: “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.” 

Monday, June 27, 2016

Stop this Bullshit--Jonathan Vernick has dementia!

I am stunned. The executive director of a nonprofit has dementia. I had been told this over a year ago by 3 Baker Places employees: Jonathan Vernick has dementia. I really had no idea what this meant until I observed him in action this past June 15, 2016 at a Baker Places' Board meeting.

The guests were handed an agenda which appeared to be the work of a 12-year old with no outline, omission of names, and no details.

At the end of the meeting, I stood up and warned the Baker Board that I would be charging them with “crimes against humanity” if they failed to immediately fire Vernick. The door to the conference room was immediately shut. Vernick has lost his keys and since the exit doors were locked, the guests were imprisoned for several minutes while the Baker Board held an impromptu meeting.

Finally, Corey Busch (a Baker Places Board member) came out with keys and the exit doors were unlocked. Vernick proceeded to walk us down the four flights of stairs…but he was LOST! He did not know how to exit his own building. After 20 seconds, he recovered his wits and pointed to an opening at the end of the hall. We left out the exit.

In the 20 seconds Jonathan Vernick was at the bottom of the stairs at 1000 Brannan Street it all became clear: Jonathan Vernick has dementia!

As I have integrated the truth of “Vernick has dementia,” a very disturbing question arose: If Vernick has dementia, then the Baker Board must know this; why would they allow their executive director to be in this position when they know his brain is no longer functioning at an optimal level?

Whatever the reason is, it involves deception. Without a doubt, the Baker Board is responsible for Vernick’s abuses of clients and employees for the past 25 years. But more is going on here….

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Defund Baker Places—Now!

Dear Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors:

Because the Baker Board of Directors on June 15, 2016 at their meeting supported its executive director Jonathan Vernick after hearing public testimony of his constant lying, abuse towards clients and employees, and theft of public funds, I am advocating for the defunding of Baker Places, Incorporated. Below are some supporting points; please note that references to posts can be found at


  • Jonathan Vernick had 10 clients removed from a Baker-owed property at 54-56 Francis Street (which had been donated to it for housing populations such as those who are HIV+) to pay back taxes to the IRS of $825,000. (Source: IRS 990 form, 2013). Note: This constitutes theft of public funds.


  • The Baker Board has been informed about Venick’s criminal activities since April 2015 (registered letter sent to Nick Lederer, chair of the board) and has failed to act. In addition, they heard public testimony on June 15, 2016 about his abuse towards clients. Presently, I am charging the following individuals for “crimes against humanity” for supporting Jonathan Vernick’s abuse over the past 25 years: Nick Lederer, Corey Busch, Jonathan Vernick, Jo Ruffin and Michael Harrington.


  • Baker Places lost $3.4 million over the past ten years according to the IRS 990 forms (see: May 7, 2016 post). Also, according to a 2008 audit conducted by Ben Rosenfield of the Controller’s office, Baker has mismanaged funds (see summary of audit at, page 3; click on “find a report” and scroll down to the 2008 report).  
  • According to the audit, page 10, Baker Places had to “sell a parcel of property to alleviate some cash flow problems” This is a comingling of buildings donated to Baker with its estimated $100 million real estate holdings.

The Board of Supervisors will need to have an overseer administer the City-donated property (one source which has donated property to Baker is the Mayor’s Office of Housing) since it’s unclear which properties are owned by Baker and which ones are government owned. An example of such a property is Odyssey House which is worth an estimated $2 million to $6 million (which is a government-owned property). In addition, nearly all the rental property is owned by Pablo Tisker of Bernstein Realty and thus the overseer will have to work with him in seeing the rent is paid for these apartments.

Thank you for your kind attention. I will be posting this letter on my blog and in public as readers will be asked to contact you at



Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jonathan Vernick Fraud Update!

Note to Readers: This feature of this blog began after September 2, 2015 when I filed embezzlement and fraud charges against Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places, with the San Francisco Police Department.  In it, I offer the reader a review of the present situation, assessments, plans, and encourage reader direct involvement with protecting the most vulnerable from abuse.


1) The present situation: I attended a Baker Places Board meeting on June 15, 2016 (see notes of meeting posted June 17, 2016) and the Board showed by their inaction that they support Jonathan Vernick's lying, abuse towards clients and employees, and the theft of public funds. I am presently charging the following with "crimes against humanity" for supporting his abuse of potentially 1000s in his nearly 30 year reign of terror: Nick Lederer, Corey Busch, Jonathan Vernick, Jo Ruffin, and Michael Harrington.


2) After the Baker Board meeting, I recapped the meeting with a guest who was present. One point which stuck in my mind: The constant lying of Jonathan Vernick and everyone (to my knowledge) surrounding him has the Spirit of Lying. I was dismayed, ( but should not have been surprised) , when a public official denied that Tom Mesa has called Jonathan Vernick a "bully" when she was present and because of the multiple lines of evidence (emails, contemporaneous notes, a telephone conversation) there is no doubt that this was said. Correction: In my notes, it is unclear the amount of money Vernick mismanaged through a system of billing medical through a statistical method of estimating the number of client contacts (instead of specifying each contact with a date and names); because a reference had been made to $800,000+ in my notes, I inferred this was the sum Mr. Mesa was referring to; in fact, he did not specify the amount.


3) My goal is to arrive at the truth. As an imperfect human being, there is no doubt that I deceive myself and others. However, we must strive to reach higher ideals. In my case, I believe that the higher value of truth is foundational in all relationship with others (as noted in a previous post, "Love Unites Us!" [see June 13, 2016 post], love is the foundation of our connection with others and the Transcendent). So when someone is constantly lying we have the root of many other misdeeds: deceit, corruption, fraud, and so forth. 

4) I will be asking the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to defund Baker Places, Incorporated. In addition, I will start posting flyers in public, asking for the public assistance in asking the Board to defund Baker. Somehow, it seems as though there is some wall of silence concerning abuse of clients. These are human beings! We are morally obligated to speak up for those who are being abused!

5) Please note: In the meeting on June 15, 2016 Jonathan Vernick displayed clear signs of dementia: Losing his keys at the end of the meeting (which kept guests waiting for about 7 minutes while the Board held an impromptu meeting), being confused about how to exit his own building, writing an agenda for the meeting which frankly appeared to be the work of an 8th grade student (e.g., omissions of names, lack of any details). These observations confirm what three employees have told me about Vernick: He has had early-stage dementia for several years. Obviously, it's time for him to leave.


Monday, June 20, 2016

Reader Challenges the Accuracy of Tom Mesa's statement: "Vernick is a bully!"

In a surprising email, I just had someone question the accuracy of my reporting: On April 7, 2016 near the conclusion of a meeting with Tom Mesa, a representative of the Department of Public Health, I had noted on point 18 (see May 7, 2016 post on this blog) that employees had complained that Jonathan Vernick, the CEO of Baker Places, had dementia; in reply Mr. Mesa said, “No, he’s a bully!”

This statement was confirmed:

  • Immediately after the meeting in talking to one of the witnesses who was present.


  • In a telephone conversation on April 8, 2016 in which a witness who was present and I (Harry Petersen) recapped the meeting.


Also, note that I emailed Mr. Mesa on April 8, 2016 about my notes of the meeting; while I did not include the “bully” statement in this email, they were part of my contemporaneous notes from the previous day.

Also, I received an email from a witness on May 9, 2016 in which the above claims were not challenged, but there was a concern about protecting Mr. Mesa from getting into trouble.

Please note: I have prided myself on being accurate. Where I have misstated a point, I welcome corrections. In this case, however, all the independent lines of evidence show that my reporting was accurate. My purpose is to arrive at the truth. I wish to thank this reader for the email challenging this statement.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Baker Places Board of Directors: Dismiss Jonathan Vernick by June 20,2016

I, Harry Petersen, publicly demand the Baker Places Board of Directors dismiss their executive director, Jonathan Vernick, by June 20, 2016 for stealing the taxpayer's money and the abuse of human beings. My email is or telephone me at 415-865-0734. Failure to communicate with me by this deadline means I will continue my public campaign against Baker Places to be defunded.


Baker Places Board of Director’s Meeting on June 15, 2016: Reporter’s Notes

Below are my notes, Harry Petersen, acting as a reporter for this blog, concerning the Baker Places Board of Director’s meeting on June 15, 2016. In attendance for the Baker Places Board were: Nick Lederer, Chair of Board, Jonathan Vernick, executive director, Corey Busch, and Jo Ruffin. In addition, Michael Harrington listened via telphone and an Asian-American, acting as an attorney, was taking notes on a laptop.

1. First, I will deal with the violations of the law and/or possible violations which may include criminal conduct on the part of Vernick. The first violation of the law is the violation of the American Disability Act in that disabled people had to walk up four flights of stairs because allegedly the elevator for this building has been out of order for the past two weeks. Please note that Baker Places Board member Jo Ruffin had noted that she had to walk 4 flights of stairs; in addition, I accompanied a disabled person who took several minutes to walk the stairs.

2. The second violation of the law to be noted is at the end of the meeting in which all members of the audience were held in imprisonment for about 7 minutes. As members left the meeting the door to the conference room was shut and then Vernick, announced he had “locked himself out” (obviously all he had to do was knock at the door).  Apparently, the Baker Board was holding an impromptu meeting immediately after the audience members left; the doors to exit were locked and Vernick continued to play for the next few minutes that he was “locked out.” This is an outrageous act and the Baker Board is directly responsible for holding us against our will for several minutes.  

3. The third apparent crime is when Jonathan Vernick asked for the cell phone of a member who was waiting to leave. When she gave him the cell phone he moved out of sight and then telephoned the number to someone in the conference room (probably his own telephone number) and then return the phone to the member of the audience. The apparent purpose of this ploy was to listen to a private conversation in which the member of the audience and I were having (we came in together to the meeting and left together). This is obviously illegal, and if this hypothesis is correct, then this is sufficient grounds to charge him with criminal conduct. 

4. The fourth violation of the law is when Vernick announced that the next meeting in six months hence would be private and that the members of the public would not be invited. This is a violation of the “Sunshine Ordinance” which requires all meetings to be public. Probably, this announcement was just a ploy on Vernick’s part in which the listeners would believe he would still be around in 6 months with Baker; in fact, he needs to leave immediately!

5. The fifth violation of the law is when the executive session included discussion of “real estate transactions” in which the public was not allowed to attend. It needs to be noted here: Baker Places is both a nonprofit receiving $12 million from the taxpayers annually as well as a real estate holding company. These two separate functions are combined in one as this violation of the Sunshine Law would indicate.

6. The “call to order” of the meeting was given by Nick Lederer, Chair of the Board, about 6:45 p.m. on June 15, 2016.  

7. Next, we have Jonathan Vernick, the executive director’s report. The first comment had to do with houses which might be donated from the City and County of San Francisco to Baker Places via a grant or otherwise given to Baker.  Apparently, this is to counter the argument that Baker Places was buying property with taxpayer’s money and then selling them. In fact, I understood that some of the properties are donated to Baker Places with the requirement that they be used for housing various population. No matter how Vernick is acquiring these properties, they still are not his to sell under any condition and to do so constitutes criminal conduct. By mixing the Baker Places funds from the taxpayers with his real estate holdings, I estimate the possible theft of $100 million from the taxpayers of San Francisco over the past 25+ years. 

8. Note again how the con game is played: Vernick embezzles money directly from the Baker Places general account, then sells property which is dedicated to housing various populations such as those HIV+ (one funding source for this population is the “Ryan White” fund) ; in most cases, the property is donated (e.g., the Mayor's Office of Housing). Since the money being embezzled can easily be explained away as an expense and since the money is returned by selling property, it’s almost impossible to detect. I will write a paper within the next few days and post it on this blog giving additional details. (Readers are invited to see the May 7, 2016 post for documents in which Baker Places lost over $.3.4 Million over the past 10 years, according the IRS 990 forms.) 

9. Harry Petersen’s Public Testimony: Baker Places, Inc. owed the IRS over $825,000 in back taxes (according to IRS 990, 2013). To cover this loss, Vernick had Case Manager Masami Endo lie to various tenants, including James Smithson about the building needing to be repaired, when, in fact, it was being sold to pay the IRS. Please note: Baker Places permanently took away housing for 10 people who were residing at 54-56 Francis Street in addition to stealing money. [Here readers can note an example of how the con is played as outlined in point 8 above.] The theft of public funds is clear: This building had been dedicated by the taxpayers of San Francisco to house population such as the homeless, those with substance abuse issues, and the like. By selling this building (which was not his to sell), Vernick paid the IRS back taxes. This is theft of public funds. 

10.  According to the IRS records, the building at 54-56 Francis Street was sold on February 12, 2015 for nearly $800,000 (to pay the back taxes which was owed). Please note that Vernick telephoned me on February 12, 2015 and confirmed the building had been sold. I subsequently vacated my studio apartment on February 24, 2015 for an equivalent one at 337 Fulton Street. This transaction was agreed to in writing on April 9, 2015 in a letter Jonathan Vernick signed. 

11. The exchange of apartments required a contract drawn up by an attorney, which Jonathan Vernick is not. By the Stature of Fraud laws, this real estate transaction is illegal, prima facie. It was this set of facts which caused Fancher Larson of the Client Rights group at 1663 Mission to recommend filing Fraud charges against Baker. I refused to do so because at this time (April 10, 2015 I did not want Baker Places defunded and legal advice said this was a likely outcome of such a lawsuit). 

12. Upon Vacating 56 Francis Street, Vernick played various ploys to evict me a second time. Readers are invited to read the September 29, 2015 post on this blog (which was a complaint given the Rent Board of San Francisco) and also see the November 5, 2015 post on this blog for additional information.

13.  Tom Mesa of the Department of Public Health [correction: I misspoke at the meeting and said “housing rights committee”] on April 7, 2016 in front of 3 witnesses outline how Jonathan Vernick had mismanaged the public money and was on a “pay back” plan and also said three times that Vernick is a bully towards his employees and others. 

14. At the conclusion of my public testimony, I demanded that the Baker Board immediately fire Jonathan Vernick (as I had emailed Nick Lederer over a week earlier and requested that he do this during the Board’s meeting). The Board refused and do so and Lederer stated, “we are here to listen.”

15. As I left the meeting, I directly spoke to the board members and told them that it is time for action. Also, I told them they would be held accountable for the abuse and theft Jonathan Vernick has engaged in for over 25 years. Moreover, I noted that I would publicly charge each of them with “crimes against humanity.” I am giving the Baker Board until Monday, June 20, 2016 by 5:00 P.M. to announce Jonathan Vernick’s resignation.  Otherwise, I will publicly campaign against them as being complicit in Vernick’s crimes. 

16. A second member of the public also spoke and he alleged that Case Manager Jessie Ponce of Baker Places had recommend that he as an HIV+ person commit a felony. He indicated he was prepared to take his complaint to the media this coming Monday.

17. After the Baker Places completed their impromptu meeting (in which members of the audience were held against their will for several minutes), Jonathan Vernick escorted us down the 4 flights of stairs. He was confused, however, about how to get out of his own office, taking a couple of minutes to figure this out! Finally, we were directed to go to an opening at the end of the hall. 

18.  Summary: A public meeting of the Baker Places Board of Director’s occurred on June 15, 2016 at 1000 Brannan Street, Suite 401. By the Board’s inaction, they show they support the abuse of clients and the theft of public funds; they have been given until Monday, June 20, 2016 to dismiss him or I will continue my public campaign against Baker Places. Please note: I will no longer post any flyers about Barbara Garcia, the director of Public Health, since she is no longer responsible for Vernick criminal conduct—the Baker Board is.  In this meeting, Jonathan Vernick committed several violations of the law, including two which constitutes criminal conduct. I testified to the Board about Vernick’s theft of public funds and abuse towards clients and employees. 

19. This meeting had a series of interesting games, ploys, and an encounter with that which is evil!



Monday, June 13, 2016

Editorial: Love Unites Us!

Love unites us. Love is the force which unifies us as one. Love is the foundation of all transcendental values: Faith, hope, truth, honor, justice all have at their roots in the connection human beings feel for each other. Without love, human beings dissolve into wild animals in which it’s “survival of the fittest,” without regard to the other.

Today, we stand with our brothers and sisters in Orlando, Florida in which 49 people were massacred in an execution-style horror. Apparently, the shooter was motivated by his hatred of gays as he targeted a popular gay nightclub, Pulse, in which gay Latinos were celebrating their pride. In face of this hate, our response must be rooted in love.

At a practical level, we recommend that supporters of love and tolerance support Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. We note that the other national candidate wasted no time in spewing more comments in his hate-filled campaign: “Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Muslim immigration,” Donald Trump wrote on Twitter immediately after yesterday’s bloodbath. When Mrs. Clinton becomes the next President, we are hopeful she will appoint a Supreme Court nominee (to replace the vacancy left owing to Antonin Scalia’s death) who will interpret the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution as originally written: To allow each of the 13 states in the year 1791 to have independent armed militia separate for what had been formed--a national government which would be in, then be in charge of national defense. The Second Amendment neither historically nor textually has anything to do with an individual’s right to gun ownership since it was presumed that all White males over age 21 already had that right. When the Constitution is restored to its original meaning, then the right of the national government to enact thoughtful restrictions on gun ownership can be implemented.

All open societies face the paradox of how to love the unlovable. How to be tolerant to the intolerant. How to allow freedoms to those who want to take freedoms away. We have had to face this paradox with Jonathan Vernick as we have evidence that he has abused 100s if not 1000s in his nearly 30-year reign of terror. We have contacted over 100 public officials, attorneys, representatives of the media, and other citizens and have been met with silence. This, in turn, has forced us to confront the above paradox: In the face of this silence, we must speak loudly in order to be heard! Thus, a reporter for this blog has resorted to posting “Barbara Garcia—Go Fuck Yourself!” posts for public display. This is why we ask that you join us, in love, in protecting the victims of Jonathan Vernick by demanding that he be dismissed by the Baker Places Board of Directors on June 15, 2016.

Love is an evolutionary force which will unite us as one. In this oneness we will be one without regard to race, creed, or sexual orientation. Please open your hearts today by performing a senseless act of kindness towards another. Love, unconditional love, is all there is!

This editorial is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.


Sunday, June 12, 2016

Open Letter to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Demand the Baker Board Fire Jonathan Vernick on June 15th!

Dear Member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors:


I wish to thank each of you for your kind attention for the past 8 months in which I have advocated for Jonathan Vernick’s dismissal as the executive director of Baker Places. As you know from the numerous emails, documents and direct meetings I have had with your aides, Vernick has abused both clients and employees for nearly 30 years and the taxpayers of San Francisco are supporting his abuse at nearly $12 million per year. Recently, I have dealt with Barbara Garcia, the director of the Department of Public Health (DPH) and she has lied twice about making a public announcement concerning Vernick; moreover, Tom Mesa, a representative of DPH, on April 7, 2016 informed me in front of 3 witnesses that Vernick is a bully towards his employees and has mismanaged the public’s money. Yet, Garcia continues to support his abuse—even after I requested an email from her office indicating she would monitor Vernick; instead, she remained silent. Since SILENCE=DEATH, I am duty-bound to speak up for the potentially 1000s of victims of Jonathan Vernick since no one else will.

There is a Baker Places Board of Directors meeting scheduled June 15, 2016 in which I will be demanding Vernick’s immediate resignation. Since each of you as a Supervisor have the power to defund Baker, I respectful request that you contact Nick Lederer, the Chair of the Baker Board, at 415-752-6444 or 415-561-5200 or email him at and demand that the board dismiss its executive director.

Because this case involves the abuse of human beings, I take this quite seriously. It will be a matter of historical record how you and others respond at this time. I urge you to open your heart to the pain of the abuse so many have suffered at the hands of Jonathan Vernick. Please do not just do a political calculation and see what is best for your future ambitions. Thank you for your kind assistance. My email is if I can provide additional information.

Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

Friday, June 10, 2016

Top Ten Reasons I Hate Jonathan Vernick

1. Vernick likes to hurt people—I am very sorry to have to report this, but in my encounters with him from January 27, 2015 to February 24, 2015, I observed a definite streak of sadism in his personality. On several occasions, he showed delight in my having to suffer.

2. Vernick is a con artist—My favorite Vernick con was when the house was sold on February 12, 2015 (and Vernick telephoned to tell me so; also, the IRS records verify this is when the building was sold) and then on Febraury 15, he telephones and asks if I would like to stay! I was confused; he telephoned a second time (left a message on my answering machine) saying I would be leaving after all. My best guess: Vernick wanted to renegotiate our original deal and somehow thought if I would agree to stay, he could then make a new agreement.

3. Vernick corrupts those around him—From his employees who were forced to lie to tenants about why they were being evicted (repairing the building) to getting the Client Rights’ Group representative to do his bidding, he always tries to manipulate others to do unethical/unlawful acts.

4. Vernick is in cognitive decline with dementia—It is obvious that 25 years ago when he first started as an executive director he was probably a sharp conman; today, his various manipulations are fairly transparent with someone with a sufficiently high I.Q. (my I.Q. is 135).

5. Vernick has mismanaged the funds at Baker Places. While it is difficult to know if this mismanagement has been intentional (embezzlement) or just incompetence, it’s clear the finances at Baker are in a mess. See: the 2008 audit of Baker Places from the San Francisco Controller’s office and the IRS tax forms (see: November 30, 2015 post on this blog).

6. Vernick has been in the same position for over 25 years— I believe Baker Places needs fresh blood.  At some point he will need to retire and now is better than any time before.


7. Vernick has corrupted the Baker Places Board of Directors—I hold the Baker Board responsible for failure to oversee his incompetence and also failure to respond to my requests for meetings with them. This is why he has gotten away with so much: there is no oversight of what he is doing.

8. Vernick has not responded to request after request to peacefully resolve the conflict between him and me. You think I like having to meet with attorneys, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, auditors, work on this blog, post info sheets in public places such as on street light lamps, and on and on…? But my honor is at stake and thus I will continue the good fight…

9. Vernick has defrauded me out of my studio apartment—This whole mess started when Vernick wanted both a) the extra $200,000 my vacating from the Francis Street apartment would bring him and b) evicting me a second time from the Fulton Street apartment. If he was not going to honor the original deal (exchanging one apartment for another), he should not have made it. He could not do it in the first place as an attorney was needed to draw up a written contract, as required by law. 

10. Vernick has poor judgment—This fraud case has gone public because Fancher Larson of the Client Rights’ Group (at 1663 Mission) manipulated Vernick into signing a document which left Baker Places exposed to civil charges. Larson had intended to file fraud charges against Baker but I refused to allow her to do so. How does it happen that I could have chosen to defund Baker Places if I had chosen? In my mind, this shows a man of poor judgment who is unfit to be an executive director of a nonprofit.


Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Attend Baker Places Public Meeting: June 15, 2016 and Fire Jonathan Vernick!

Readers who are tired of Jonathan Vernick's bullshit are encouraged to attend a public meeting of the Baker Board of Directors. It has been rescheduled for June 15, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at 1000 Brannan Street, Suite 401. Please save the date and let's unite and fire Jonathan Vernick!