Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Jonathan Vernick's Fraud Case: FAQs

What is your concern about Jonathan Vernick?

By his criminal conduct he has committed fraud of nearly $200,000. He illegally evicted me from my rent-controlled apartment at 56 Francis Street. Because he has dementia, he now cannot recall making the real estate exchange before three witnesses.

Why not just file a lawsuit?

A lawsuit will do nothing about Jonathan Vernick remaining at his position of Executive Director of Baker Places in which he disrespects both clients and employees. My goal is to advocate for his immediate removal.

Why should I care?

As a taxpayer of San Francisco you are supporting fraud and mismanagement of public funds. The nearly $12 million spent on this nonprofit could be spent on other projects and/or non-profits.

What proof do you have of your claims?

According to the IRS 990 form, Jonathan Vernick lost over $825,000 in the fiscal year 2013-2014. In addition, he has committed fraud against tenants from a building he owned. Please visit for additional proof.

Why don't you just go to the Baker Board of Directors?

There is no functioning Board of Directors as after 25 years in the same position as executive director Jonathan Vernick runs Baker Places without any oversight.

What other resources have you contacted for redress?

The San Francisco Rent Board, The San Francisco Police Department, Community Health Services at 1380 Howard Street, nearly a dozen attorneys, several members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, the San Francisco Mayor's office, clients advocates at 1663 Mission, contacted the attorney for Jonathan Vernick, started a blog on September 18, 2015, contacted several members of the media, handed out documents to citizens calling for Jonathan Vernick's removal, and have made several other contacts.

Do you really want Baker Places defunded?

Yes. Although I would accept the position of Executive Director of Baker Places, because of my dedication to the Truth, I would have problems dealing with employees who have been made to do illegal and unethical acts. I fear Baker Places employees have been so corrupted that there is no way I could manage this nonprofit without dismissing many of the employees.

What can I do to help?
Contact your supervisor at Board of Supervisors : Supervisors Information. Also, visit my blog at . I will be happy to provide additional documents and background information if you call me at 415-865-0734 or email me at

This post was originally posted October 5, 2015 on this blog and subsequently was emended on January 6, 2016.

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