Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Demand Department of Public Health Director, Barbara A. Garcia, Replace Jonathan Vernick!

January 4, 2016

Dear Barbara A. Garcia:

Baker Places, Inc. had to pay over $825,000 in back taxes to the IRS in 2014. An additional $729,000 is still owed. Since I will be posting a copy of this letter on my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogpot.com, I will provide my readers with a step-by-step guide in accessing this info:     

1. Go to www.citizenaudit.org for the 2014 990 form.
2. On top of page click "Tax Documents (form 990s)".
3. Type in "Baker Places, Inc." and download "2014/06" form
4. Go to page 12, line 27 and see the $825,557 debt.

[Also, the reader can go to:
Baker Places Inc , a link to 2013 and 2014 where a net loss of $732,000 was recorded on the balance sheet.]

The  $1.6 million Jonathan Vernick has lost over the past decade or so shows he is unfit to be executive director of a nonprofit which is funded by the City and County of San Francisco. Thus, I am respectfully requesting that the new contract (beginning on July 1, 2016) require Vernick to step down and be replaced by one who is both honest and capable.

There are some insiders in Baker who are quite capable, such as Masami Endo, who knows how the funds are administered and could immediately take the position; also, on an interim basis I would volunteer for the position until I could find a suitable replacement.

As noted in my November 30, 2015 post on my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com , it appears as though funds from an outside entity separate from Baker is comingling its funds with Baker Place’s funds. This is why an audit will be necessary to understand what is going on and thus I urge you to request Ben Rosenfield to update his 2008 audit. Readers can access this by:

1. Go to www.sfcontroller.org.
2. Click on “Find a Report” on the main page.
3. Type in “Baker Places, Inc.”
4. Click the “search” button to download.

Please note that the 2008 audit had 9 recommendations for DPH to implement as a result of Baker's mismanagement (see page 3, "Recommendations").
Also, I am requesting that after a complete examination of the books at Baker that you and others at your office make a legal referral to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) if there is found: embezzlement, theft of public funds, fraud and other crimes.  

While visiting my blog, www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com you might like to check out some popular posts:
  1. “How we got into this mess : a subjective first-person account” posted on November 5, 2015
  2. “Top ten reasons I hate Jonathan Vernick,” posted on December 6, 2015.
  3. "Jonathan Vernick: Wrongful eviction charge" posted on September 29, 2015.

To resolve the above matter, I am requesting a meeting with you or an administrator at DPH by January 17, 2016. Please telephone me at (415)-865-0734, or email me at
safeway7354@gmail.com or write me at my home address. Thank you for your kind assistance in providing housing for the outcasts of our society!

Sincerely Yours,

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