Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Warning to readers: Save any posts which are of value to you

Dear Readers:

I strongly encourage you to save any posts on this blog which might be of value to you.  If anything should happen to this blog, then you are invited to go to

Analysis: With Mark Farrell the new acting mayor of San Francisco, Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia do not have the previous mayor, Ed Lee, to protect them. While a few progressives in the media, such as Joe Fitzgerald Rodriguez, a columnist for the San Francisco Examiner, had put forth the suggestion that Mayor Lee be recalled (this was around the time the Police chief Greg Suhr had been forced to resign) none of us expected the Honorable Mayor Ed Lee to be recalled in the way he was! In any case, may he rest in peace. See: Anti-recall Mayor Ed Lee effort faces funny money allegations - by ...

If anything happens to this blog, then the working assumption is that your team was behind it and thus I will start my public campaign with flyers and contacting public officials anew. 

Analysis: I intend to do nothing as long as this blog remains as it is. Because the District Attorney has been given criminal indictments against both Barbara Garcia and Jonathan Vernick for public corruption, it is my position that I have done my civic duty. See: Criminal Indictments Against Jonathan Vernick and Barbara Garcia  post on this blog. However, if something happens to this blog, then I will have no choice but to start posting flyers and contact public officials about this case.

On the Mayor’s Race: I strongly support Mark Leno for the new mayor in the upcoming June election. Mr. Leno is a progressive and would be the first openly gay mayor elected in San Francisco and has a solid base. While I like Jane Kim, I do not feel she has the base of support to be elected; should you vote for Ms. Kim, then please vote for Mr. Leno as your second choice. In regards to London Breed: I voted for her in the past election as my supervisor and was happy to do so as her history is compelling: She came from the projects and represents the Black community in San Francisco. But I cannot support her for mayor because she has the backing of the billionaire tech mogul, Ron Conway, who has thrown his weight around since Mayor Lee died. However, I do wish Ms. Breed the best in the upcoming campaign and support her continued success as the Supervisor of District 5. See: San Francisco Ousts a Mayor in a Clash of Tech, Politics and Race ...


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