Thursday, December 8, 2016

THC Use and Other Questions

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1. Why do you recommend using THC?
THC is the psychoactive substance in cannabis. I recommend edibles such as chocolate brownies (start at 10 mg) and monitor dosage. THC has two purposes for the initiate:

a. To shift from the Ego brain to the energy center of chakra located just above the head. While students of meditation may arrive at similar insights as those who use THC, it might take 20-30 years of dedicated practice to achieve these insights. Few individuals in the West are capable of this. The goal here is to gain insights into the various sub-personalities which exist in one’s being. All males will have a female self which needs to be integrated into the whole.

b. THC is highly recommended for those who intend for their bodies to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. The goal is to construct the Immortal Will. Note that the Immortal Will is a spiritual construct which begins above the head, runs down the front of the body to the earth. This means it will activate all the chakras at once; the 7 major energy centers connected to the body, the 8th chakra which is connected to the earth, and the 9th chakra which is above the head. Activation is done by intention.

My practice consists of THC use at night when I am ready to sleep. A few minutes after the THC has been activated one can intend for the body to vibrate at the Immortal Frequency. Please note this will be activated in those who are constructing their Immortal Will. Suitable candidates are males who practice sexual restraint. In addition, those who have activated Jesus’ words to the Immortal Frequency will be able to activate this frequency in their bodies. To be clear: Those who are using THC just to get high and think this might help in being an Immortal are probably deceiving themselves.

2. Do you recommend weight training?
Yes. Some moderate strength training will be helpful. The traditional exercises such as pushups, sit ups, and weight lifting are great! Note: “Weak body, weak mind” adage applies here. Because males no longer do physical labor to the extent it was done a 100 years ago, they have grown weak. As far as running or jogging: This is a complete waste of time. (Note: Some research has indicated that sprinting for 5-7 minutes a couple of times a week is helpful.) A few minutes walking and getting vitamin D from the Sun each day is an excellent idea, however. So to have a strong mind, one needs a strong body.

3. What about a high-protein diet?

I don’t know. This is something you can experiment with and see how it works for you. Because different individuals have different needs, I am reluctant to make any strong recommendations on diet. However, I do believe sugar is probably a toxin and should be limited as large intake of sugar is associated with poor health outcomes.

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