Monday, December 5, 2016

Notes for the Thomas Student

Please see my sister blog, for additional insights.

1. The scholarly text, Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development by Harvard Professor Helmut Koester (Trinity Press International, 1990) is an excellent resource. For Thomas students his section, “The Gospel of Thomas,” pages 75-128 is invaluable. Worthy of highlighting:

 “Moreover, a number of studies have shown that in many cases a saying or parable, as it appears in the Gospel of Thomas, is preserved in a form that is more original than any of the canonical parallels. This means that the tradition of sayings of Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas rules out the possibility of a dependence on the gospels” (pages 85-86).
Conclusion: Given that Professor Koester was a leading New Testament scholar for over 50 years and did extensive research into the Gospel of Thomas his analysis has strong credibility. In his 53 pages in the text cited above, he consider arguments and counterarguments about the claim that "Thomas is an authentic sayings book" and has concluded it is. Thus, anyone who wishes proof that the Gospel of Thomas is an authentic saying book may see pages 75-128 in the text Ancient Christian Gospels: Their History and Development: Helmut ....

2. As noted in a previous post, fetishes are independent psychic energy forms which in males use the balls to activate an erection. When this done in order to masturbate, there will be a story which the imaginative part of the brain has concocted into order to activate the fetish.

Example: Say a guy develops a female lingerie fetish such that he gets an erection thinking about wearing girl’s panties.


a. First note that the fetish has a separate existence from its host, the human being.

b. The fetish is able to communicate and work with other parts of the brain or perhaps more accurately the brain uses the fetish and creates the story which will activate an erection. In any case, several parts of one being are cooperating in the goal of masturbating.

c. The fetish is kept alive by you masturbating to it. Its hidden goal: To strike out in real life and fuck you up! 

d) I would conjecture that fetishes are part of a “demonic toolkit” in which Satan and his demons use to enslave mankind. In San Francisco, there are purple signs reading, “Porn Kills Love.” I wonder if there is a connection between the creation of fetishes and porn?

 Conclusion: Fetishes are non-human entities which feed off human life form by stimulating masturbation and ejaculation. 

3. Fetishes are an example of dark energies using human life form for its nefarious purposes. The Ego, an artificial construct to which other sub-personalities report to, is used by dark energies to feed off human beings’ life.

Example: Compulsive gamblers have a driving need to lose. I would conjecture that a fetish-like energy complex has taken over the brain with the goal of extracting the feeling of when the gambler loses. At the instance the gambler knows he has lost is when the dark energies eats psychic energy from its victim. This high-level intensity of feelings, ranging from anger, regret, fear and possibly terror can only be reproduced in human beings in a real-life simulation. Following his script, no doubt the gambler will be back at the tables in a few days, eager to lose once again.

4. The way out of the mess in which dark energies use the human psyche is the dissolution of the ego. In practical terms, this means one has stopped the various voices in one’s head from talking. In other words, there is complete silence. Probably experienced meditators can achieve this state. How I have done it is by activating a chakra above my head (this is at the transpersonal level) and simply stopped other parts of the brain talking to itself. Without the Ego, traumas, dark energies, fetishes and the like have nothing to talk to and will go away in time.

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