Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The Presuppositions of the Thomas Immortality Project

The following post was originally posted on my sister blog www.thomasimmortality.blogspot.com . Readers are invited to visit this site for additional insights.

The “Thomas Immortality Project” posits the following:


1. There is a God.


2. A messenger shared the Good News of God’s Kingdom.


3. Jesus is resurrected from the dead.


4. There is no life after death.


5. Those who unite with Jesus in his resurrection are raised to the immortal frequency in bodily form.



1 .   Probably the best antidote to the atheists is to have them study serious paranormal researchers such as Dean Radin, (See: Website of Dean Radin ) and William Tiller (see: HOME | William A Tiller Institute for Psychoenergetic Science).

A. The fundamental error the atheists make is the failure to understand that there are different levels of reality. The reality with which they usually aligned themselves with is the “cause-and-effect” level, i.e., Newtonian, while denying other levels exist. So it is true that the universe is about 13.7 billion years old, life forms developed on this planet through the process of natural selection and so forth. But this level does not address why it is that biological creatures such as ants or fish in large schools act as one mind. I concur with Rupert Sheldrake (see: Rupert Sheldrake - Author and Biologist) that various species are communicating with each other as part of one “group mind."

2 . Historically, Jesus did exist and the historical accounts and documents support this claim.

3. The third claim is supported by what Jesus’ followers did and said after Jesus’ death and resurrection: 

*   The Acts of the Apostles is an early text which focuses primarily on the ministries of Peter and Paul. There is no doubt that many believed Jesus had resurrected from the dead and started the Jesus Way after his resurrection. 

*  The brother of Jesus, James, led the original followers of Jesus in Jerusalem. Apparently, it was during this period, before 62 A.D. when Jesus’ other brother, Judas, starting collecting the sayings of Jesus in a book which became the Gospel of Thomas. 

 Paul, in I Cor. 15, notes that 500 brethren have seen the risen Jesus. Also, he makes a point of noting that both Peter and James witnessed the risen Jesus. This document was written about 55 A.D. and is the earliest report of eyewitnesses who saw the resurrected Jesus (this occurred about 30-33, A.D.).

4. This is a matter of judgment. From a cautionary principle, I would not expect any existence after this life as if you count on there being an afterlife, and you are mistaken, then you are dead. Also, there is nothing in the Gospel of Thomas to lead one to believe there is any life after death.

5)  The fifth claim is a spiritual one. The best test is this: By reading the posts on this blog, how do you feel? Because the words are written at the Immortal Frequency, there will be shifts as there are openings to gladly receive.

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