Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Readers: Contact the FBI and have Jonathan Vernick Arrested!

Dear Readers:

As you know, my public campaign against Jonathan Vernick and his enablers has been going on for over a year. All local officials have been notified of his misconduct. I have met with all the members of the Board of Supervisors. I have contacted the Mayor Lee's office on several occasions. I have met with many public officials including Barbara Garcia, the director of public health. In total, I have contact nearly 100 officials. The general response: “Yes, we know something may be amiss, but Baker Places provides services and about 100 jobs which if it were defunded would not be replaced.” Obviously, the responses are usually coded—though on a few occasions there has been a flat-out admission that Jonathan Vernick is corrupt.

At this point, I have exhausted all possible local avenues and thus call upon my readers to contact the FBI to investigate and recommend charges against Jonathan Vernick for theft of public funds, corrupting up to a dozen or more public officials, and possible bribes to various public officials. Please note that I have specific names which I would be happy to share with the FBI documents which they might be interested in. Readers are encouraged to Contact Us — FBI. The hotline number is 1-800-CALL-FBI.

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