Friday, April 22, 2016

The Agreement

The following is an agreement between the San Francisco Department of Public Health (DPH) and Harry Petersen. The outline of the points were agreed to on April 7, 2016 at 1380 Howard Street between Tom Mesa, a representative of DPH, and Harry Petersen.


  • DPH acknowledges that Baker Places, Inc. lost over $800,000 because it failed to follow generally accepted accounting principles.


  • DPH acknowledges that Baker Places, Inc. has been put on a pay back plan in which it will pay DPH the $800,000 which was mismanaged.


  • DPH will recommend the Controller’s Office of San Francisco update its 2008 audit of Baker Places by auditing it in 2016.


  • DPH will monitor the Baker Places Board of Directors and hold them accountable for holding public meetings twice a year as required by law.
  • DPH will recommend onsite visits to Baker Places offices and interview employees.
  • The Director of DPH, Barbara A. Garcia, will acknowledge this agreement via email and/or in writing by May 6, 2016.  However, she may request revisions and/or clarifications.


  • Harry Petersen will provide DPH will any relevant information and/or documents it may request.

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