Saturday, April 30, 2016

Editorial: Does Barbara Garcia Support Torture?

San Francisco has long had a reputation of being a progressive and liberal city. Now San Francisco is becoming mean—just like the rest of the nation. Witness:

* Director of Public Health, Barbara Garcia, is supporting the abuse of potentially 1000’s of San Franciscans, by supporting Jonathan Vernick for the past 6 years of her tenure. Because this abuse has been going on for nearly 30 years and has been documented by this blog, at this point we believe this constitutes torture.

* Chief of Police, Greg Suhr, supports racist cops who murder African-Americans and Hispanic-Americans such as Mario Woods and Luis Gongora. We strongly support the “Frisco Five” who are on a hunger strike in front the San Francisco’s Mission Police Station.

* The Mayor of San Francisco, Ed Lee, supports both torture and murder by supporting Garcia and Suhr. Lee, who allegedly has taken “pay-to-play” bribes, only goal is to destroy San Francisco and turn it into an American version of Hong Kong by supporting more housing for those who earn an average of $120,000 per year from the tech sector and displacing everyone else.

It is time for all three to be dismissed. San Franciscans are at a crossroads: Either we standup for the values which made this City great---tolerance, diversity, and innovation—or become a City in which the values of Donald Trump, Fox News, and the Religious Right rule.

This blog has been in communication with the Department of Public Health (DPH) for over 6 months, documenting the abuses of Jonathan Vernick. We met with a representative of DPH, Tom Mesa, on April 7, 2016 in which he informed a reporter that Jonathan Vernick mismanaged over $800,000 of the taxpayer's money and that Jonathan Vernick, the executive director of Baker Places,  is a “bully.”

If DPH knows Vernick has lost over $800,000 of the taxpayer's money and is a bully, then why is Garcia supporting him?

In response to the meeting with Mr. Mesa, we drew up an agreement between DPH and Harry Petersen. Readers may view this agreement by looking at the post below, dated April 22, 2016. In the agreement we gave Garcia until May 6, 2016 to lay out a plan of action to deal with the abuses of Jonathan Vernick. To date, we have heard nothing from her office. If she shows by her silence, SILENCE=DEATH, and ignores the May 6, 2016 deadline, then she is the problem. This means we shift the focus of this blog from Vernick to Barbara Garcia. In particular, we will a) Post flyers informing the public about Garcia’s support of torture, b) Post the 19-point document given to Mr. Mesa on April 7, 2016 on this blog; this document names specific names and events documenting Vernick’s abuse. C) We will actively campaign for Barbara Garcia’s resignation as she is responsible for the abuses of Vernick.

This editorial is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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