Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Reply To Reader: Games Vernick Plays Turns Criminal

A dedicated readers asks:  I just read ur paper posted to a muni bus stop.   You go on and on how we should stop him but you don't really say why.   So who is Jonathan vernick and what did he do to piss you off so much?
Sent from my iPhone

Dear -----------------

Thank you for your letter. In fact, I do say why at the bottom of the page: " He (Jonathan Vernick" is a bad actor who has defrauded me out of $200,000, he stands accused of embezzlement, fraud, theft of public funds, forgery, corrupting his employees to engage in unlawful conduct exposing Baker Places, Incorporation to civil charges which would have defunded Baker, and on and on."

Additional information is provided at www.defundbakerplaces.blogspot.com.

From a human rights issue, my concern is the manipulative games he plays as documented by former employees (and verified by several current employees). The usual game is to promise some sort of "treat" or reward for a certain behavior (often unlawful and/or unethical) and then before it's time to collect Vernick will find some fault the employee has committed and then refuse to honor his promise. In some cases, he does give the employee the reward and then we have a corrupted individual who Vernick can return to time and time again.

In my case, his game constituted criminal fraud and civil fraud as he promised me an exchange of apartments and then when I vacated the first one, he then attempted to evict me from my new studio apartment. This is all the more shocking because he used several Baker Places employees to pull of the scam.

Thanks again for writing and please contact your member of the Board of  Supervisors at www.sfbos.org . Please feel free to write back again if you have additional concerns or have inputs you would like to share.

Sincerely Yours,

Harry Petersen

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