Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Reader's Question: Please be more specific about allegations of abuse

Email from a dedicated reader March 8, 2016:

 I have seen your fliers and have a few questions after visitiong your blogspot. Can you be a little more specific as to how he abused clients or employee's? Second are you referring to the same Baker Places that provide medicated detox to people with certain problems? If not can you be more specific about what they do and whom you are talking about? thanks,

My Reply on March 8, 2016:

The abuse to which I allege is interpersonal transactional games. An example (which is a real-life one): An employee is promised a promotion to management if he/she agrees to do xyz (which almost always involves unethical/unlawful acts); he/she does the actions; then Vernick will renege by saying the employee "screwed up" by doing something wrong (say failed to filed all reports in a timely manner); then the employees gets nothing and is punished.

The is the type of game Vernick plays all the time: manipulate someone to do his bidding; promise a reward; renege on the promise. 

Note that the "promise" above sometimes involves contractual and or legal agreement ( or an "oral contract"). Since Vernick lacks an ethical center anything he says today is meaningless; he will only keep his word if he feels required to do so; he will not honor his word otherwise. Simply put, Vernick is a psychopath without guilt, remorse, or shame for his misconduct.  

Baker Places, Inc. is a nonprofit funded by the city and county of San Francisco at about $12 million annually. It administers about 10 programs via the Department of Public Health. These programs include transitional housing, rehabilitation for various addicts, and housing for those HIV+. The oversight of these programs for their effectiveness is nonexistent; the very fact that the program is designed to do good, means it must be doing good. This is the kind of "bad logic" which the media and thus the public accepts. So the problem with nonprofits goes beyond Baker Places, but is endemic to the entire private-public partnerships.

Thank you for writing. Please contact your member of the Board of Supervisors ( to let them know that you expect your taxes to be spend wisely and human beings deserve to be treated with respect.  

Sincerely Yours,

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